I wanted to be able to put some pictures on the blog taken at the JoAnn store . Unfortunately,I haven't got the agreement of the manager who told me that their policy does not allow to make pictures in their store, only if I will appeal to the corporation to give me the approval; a job quite complicated .
Si chiar daca am fost dezamagita de reactia conducerii la apelul meu am facut totusi cateva cumparaturi , ca sa-mi treaca frustrarea :)
Eeven though I was disappointed by the management's reaction to my call I still made my shopping, to pass my frustration :)
Dupa ce m-am invartit minute bune pe acolo - caci nici pana acum nu am reusit sa-l cuprind in toate plimbarile mele - m-am oprit si am luat cateva materiale ( fat quarter) pentru niste proiecte de viitor , mai mici , ceva etamina si ata de cusut DCM
After I looked arround for some good minutes in there , I stopped and I picked some fabrics (fat quarter) for some future projects, smaller ones, something bolting-cloth and DCM sewing thread
Apoi m-am oprit la raionul de perle, margelute si tot felul de aplicatii - care este imens... si am luat cateva perlute pentru viitoare crazy quilturi sau ce mi-o mai veni in minte. As fi fost in stare sa cumpar cel putin jumatate din produsele de acolo :)) , noroc cu sotul meu care ma mai tempereaza in ideea ca deja am probleme cu spatiul meu de lucru si camera de zi mi-a devenit atelier...
Then I stopped at pearls section, beadies and all sorts of applications - which is huge ... and I also picked some pearls for my future crazy quilts. I wish I would have been able to buy at least half of the products from there:)), luck with my husband who attempered me in the idea that I already have problems to manage the working space because the living room became my workshop ...
Si in drum spre casierie , bineinteles ca m-am oprit sa mai cumpar niste bucati de materiale carora nu le -am putut rezista- spre disperarea sotului meu :))- ..nu ma intrebati la ce le voi folosi ca nu stiu inca ; pur si simplu le-am cumparat si cu siguranta le voi folosi.
And in the way to the cashier register, of course I stopped to buy some more pieces of fabrics which I have not been able to resist despite my husband`s despair :)) - .. dont`t ask me what I'll do with them, I do not know yet; simply I bought them and I will definitely use them. ...
Langa casa de platit se afla raftul cu decoratiuni si bineinteles ca si de aici am luat doua fairies micute, noii mei prieteni bostanosi; sunt tare simpatici si m-am bucurat de ei de cum i-am vazut .
Near the register is the decorations shelves and of course I got two little fairies from there, my new little pumpkin friends; they are likable and they made me fell joyfull as I saw them.
Si o surpriza care mi-a facut sotul meu tot azi, ceva ce asteptam sa vina de fapt de Craciun: un aparat foto digital pentru pozele mele :)
Caci canonul lui profesional e mare si greoi si mereu ma plangeam de asta..
And a surprise that was from my husband today, something I have expected to come, in fact, on the Christmas day: a digital camera for my pictures)
Because his professional Cannon is big and heavy and I always was dissatisfied of it..
Si dupa ce m-am relaxat facand cumparaturi in magazinul meu preferat :) m -am intors acasa unde m-am apucat sa termin modelul unguresc inceput, sub privirile pasnice ale "bostaneilor" , in linistea binecuvantata a unei superbe seri de inceput de toamna ...
And after I relaxed by making shopping in my favorite store:) I returned home where I got to finish the already started Hungarian model under the peaceful look of the little pumpkin, in the blessed silence of a magnifique evening at the beginning of autumn ...
4 comentarii:
Ai cumparat minunatii! Acum astept sa vad ce vei face in ele!
Ce mi-ar place sa hoinaresc intr-un astfel de magazin!
Spor la lucru !
Smaranda , inca nu m-am gandit ce fac cu ele dar oricum voi face ceva :)
Da Ela, e o placere i pentru mine insa nu ma pot plimba cat as vrea pentru ca mereu sunt insotita de karina care nu are rabdare ..dar ma multumesc cu putin si des :))
Spor la lucru si voua !
Reteta secreta pentru cumparaturi reusite este sa iti lasi sotul si fetita acasa si sa iei cu tine doar card-ul!!;))
Bostanasii tai sunt din familia Nucutzei mele !! ( avatarul meu!)
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