I have entered in force to work at the L.C`s quilt but sometimes I feel need a break, for a change, because the pattern I have chosen for the block is quite "dense" and as such meticulous.
Si ca sa mai iau o "gura de aer " :) de la atatea cruciulite, am inceput acum doua zile o table runner, prima mea table runner de fapt.
And becouse I need to take a " mouth air" from so many cross stitches, I started two days ago a table runner, my first table runner actually.
Am vrut sa o fac specific anotimpului pentru ca am o slabiciune pentru toata gama de culori de toamna; si aveam in casa ceva materiale cumparate in vara care sa le pot folosi.
I wanted to make it a specific season because I have a weakness for the whole range of autumn colors, and had some fabrics in the house bought in the summer that can use them.
E lucrata in model simplu patchwork dar imi dau seama ca m-am cam grabit pentru ca nu sunt multumita de cum "cad" imbinarile elementelor.
It's a simple pattern worked in patchwork, but I realized that I was in hurry becouse I am not glad of how junction items "fall".
In orice caz , am pus-o direct la "destinatia " ei , unde era un mileu sintetic cumparat de la JoAnn- tare urat- si se incadreaza perfect cu frunzele suport lumanare si cosul de fructe .
Anyway, I put it directly to her "destination" , where it was a so ugly synthetic doily bought from JoAnn, and fit perfectly with the leaves candle support and fruit basket .
Imi creeaza chiar atmosfera atat de calda specifica toamnei, atmosfera pe care o ador.
It create me the specific warm atmosphere of autumn , thing that I love.