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duminică, 11 ianuarie 2009

small things

Bun regasit tuturor si un nou an mai bun plin de impliniri!
Cu atatea sarbatori adunate nu prea mai reusesti sa te ocupi de cusut, insa, printre picaturi am terminat totusi un mic mileu
Good to see you all again and I wish you all a better year full of satisfactions!
With all the hollidays added up you dont really have the time for sewing, but between the drops I managed to finish a doily

si ceva de decorat, nici nu stiu cum sa ii spun; e lucrat cu crosetul din lana . Apoi am folosit puncte de broderie sa il infrumusetez. La final, tot din croset i-am facut acel element galben rasucit si l-am atasat.
Nu stiu cum sa il denumesc, asa ca va rog, astept pareri si propuneri de nume :)
and some kind of a decorative piece, wich I dont event know how to name it;
it`s worked of wool .Then I used embroidery stitches to embelish it.. Finally, I did that twisted yellow item and I attached it .
I do not know how to call it, so please, forward opinions and proposals of names if you find any.

Si un buzunar pentru pampersii Karinei pe care l-am prins de patut si imi este la indemana si am economisit si spatiu de depozitare; poneiul e cusut manual cu puncte de broderie pe panza alba. Mi-a facut placere sa-l cos :)

And a pocket for Karina`s diapers that I hooked it on the crib and is at hand and I saved storage space too;the pony is sewn with the embroidery stitches on white canvas.It was a pleasure to sew it :)

Acum lucrez la Firul Ariadnei care va fi terminat curand.

Now I`m working to the Arriadne Thread which will be finished soon.
see you soon!

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