Cu atatea sarbatori adunate nu prea mai reusesti sa te ocupi de cusut, insa, printre picaturi am terminat totusi un mic mileu
Good to see you all again and I wish you all a better year full of satisfactions!
With all the hollidays added up you dont really have the time for sewing, but between the drops I managed to finish a doily
si ceva de decorat, nici nu stiu cum sa ii spun; e lucrat cu crosetul din lana . Apoi am folosit puncte de broderie sa il infrumusetez. La final, tot din croset i-am facut acel element galben rasucit si l-am atasat.
Nu stiu cum sa il denumesc, asa ca va rog, astept pareri si propuneri de nume :)
and some kind of a decorative piece, wich I dont event know how to name it;
it`s worked of wool .Then I used embroidery stitches to embelish it.. Finally, I did that twisted yellow item and I attached it .
I do not know how to call it, so please, forward opinions and proposals of names if you find any.
Si un buzunar pentru pampersii Karinei pe care l-am prins de patut si imi este la indemana si am economisit si spatiu de depozitare; poneiul e cusut manual cu puncte de broderie pe panza alba. Mi-a facut placere sa-l cos :)
And a pocket for Karina`s diapers that I hooked it on the crib and is at hand and I saved storage space too;the pony is sewn with the embroidery stitches on white canvas.It was a pleasure to sew it :)
Acum lucrez la Firul Ariadnei care va fi terminat curand.
Now I`m working to the Arriadne Thread which will be finished soon.
see you soon!