Se afișează postările cu eticheta stainned glass. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta stainned glass. Afișați toate postările

vineri, 29 august 2008


Odata, dupa ce am terminat cateva proiecte mai mici si mai mari- place mate- uri, fete de perna, etc- am ramas cu o gramada de bucatele de panza pe care mi-era tare mila sa le tot gandeam ce sa fac cu ma gandeam ca -mi vor folosi la aplicatii mai micute de ce nu la un crazy quilt?!

Once, after I finished a few smaller projects and larger ones,place-mates, pillowcases, and so on, I got with a a lot of scraps of canvas which I felt sorry to throw them... I was thinking what to do with them .. and I was thinking that I will use them on applications, maybe for the little appliques .... and why not for a crazy quilt?

Anul trecut cand am facut acest proiect "mozaic" habar nu aveam sa lucrez in paper pieceing..asa ca am decis sa iau o bucata de panza mare si mai ieftina si m-am apucat sa lipesc pe ea bucatelele de panza ramase, dupa ce le-am calcat, intr-o ordine aleatorie oarecum.

Last year when I started this project "mosaic" I did not know how to work in paper pieceing .. so I decided to take a large and cheaper piece of canvas and I started to glue the remaining scraps after ironing them, in a somewhat random order.

Apoi am taiat niste panza de culoare cobalt in unghi bias si pur si simplu am cusut-o pe marginile bucatelelor de panza , bineinteles cu cusatura..zig -zag :)) nu radeti ca eu am fost furioasa mult timp ca nu stiam sa folosesc cusaturile :...nici acum nu stiu sa lucrez cu talpita pentru cusatura invizibila :P

Then I cut some canvas in cobalt color blind bias and simply I have a sewn-on the edges of the canvas scraps, of course .. with the zig-zag stitch:)) don`t laugh at me because I was furious for a long time as I did not know to use the stitches:)... not even now I dont know how to work with the foot for invisible stitch: P

Si cam asta a iesit:

And this is the result:

Am obosit...