Today I made Sushi, a specific Japanese food , very healthy , tasty and very pleasing.
Reteta o recomand celor care suporta pestele crud pentru ca la sushi folosim peste si preparate de mare crude.
I recommend this recipe only to people who can stand raw fish that`s becouse sushi uses only raw ingredients .
The recipe :
o bucata medie de somon (sau alt peste crud proaspat)
an average piece of salmon (or other fresh raw fish)
1 cup orez basmati - 1 cup=240 grame
1 cup basmati rice
o foaie de sushi nori
a sheet of nori Sushi
pasta wasabi
wasabi paste
4 lingurite otet
4 teaspoon vinegar
4 lingurite zahar
4 teaspoon sugar
ardei gras rosu, castravete proaspat, seminte de susan.
red pepper, fresh cucumber, sesame seeds
Spalati orezul si puneti-l la inmuiat pentru 5 minute in apa rece. Scurgeti-l de apa, adaugati 1 1/2 cup apa, si puneti- la foc mare sa inceapa sa fiarba. Cand a inceput sa fiarba reduceti la minim focul si acoperit perfect oala cu un capac. Lasati-l sa fiarba doar 10 minute la foc mic fara sa amestecati in el. Dupa 10 min inchideti focul si mai lasati orezul acoperit inca 5 minute.
Soak 1 cup rice in water for 5 minutes, then drain out the water. Combine soaked rice and 1,5 cup of water. bring to boil and stir occasionally. reduce heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.Remove from heat, let rice remain covered for 5 minutes.
Apoi turnati-l intr-un castron si afanati-l usor cu o paleta.
Then cast it into a bowl and stir it easily with a palette.
Am luat apoi un place mate de bambus pe care am asezat foaia de sushi nori
Then I got a bamboo made on which I settled the sheet of sushi nori.
Peste foaia de nori am asezat orezul racit.
Over the sheet of sushi nori I have settled cooled rice
Apoi peste orez, exact la mijloc lui am pus pasta wasabi (un amestec de hrean si maioneza- atentie ca e foarte iute!)
Then over rice, exactly in the middle I put the wasabi paste (a mixture of horseradish and mayonnaise-be carreful ! its hot)
Peste wasabi am asezat bucatele de peste , ardei gras rosu si castravete taiate in fasii.
Over wasabi I have settled the fish, red pepper and fresh cucumber cut into long strips.
Apoi am rulat totul cu place matu-l de bambus si am strans usor sa se lege compozitia.
Then I rolled everything with the bamboo and I tighted easyly to bind the composition.
Si asa trebuie sa arate.
This is how it shoud look like.
Puneti sulurile de sushi la frigider cateva ore bune, apoi cu un cutit taiati rondele de sushi.
Put the Sushi rolls into refrigerator a few hours at best, and then cut with a knife rolls of Sushi.
La fiecare taiere udati cutitul cu apa rece.
At every cutting put in the knife in cold water.
Si acesta e finalul
And this is the end
Pentru decor presarati pe fiecare bucata de sushi seminte de susan.
For decor sprinkle each piece of Sushi with sesame seeds.
Foaia de sushi nori o gasiti la magazinele de produse naturiste sau magazinele asiatice.
You can find Sushi sheet of nori to the stores or shops Asian Facilities for Romania.
In United States you can find sushi nori at the major grocery stores.
Pasta de wasabi originala se poate inlocui cu un amestec de maioneza si hrean
The original wasabi paste can be replaced with a mixture of mayonnaise and horseradish
Bonne apetit!