I am so excited that I dont know where to start! Well .. I have to start with the fact that this morning I was watching the blog of "peticele" and I found this simple technique of great effect: plant dyeing. As I didn't had the patience and the time needed to try more "magic potion" from nature's arsenal:) I appealed on beating the leaves and flowers.
Am luat din balcon flori de begonie si sporul casei, frunze de iedera, si frunze diverse de la florile din balcon si cateva mici buruieni de prin ghivece :) si le-am pus intre o panza de culoare galben cald si le-am batut cu ciocanul (vezi tehnica Monicai) .
I took from the balcony begonia flowers and Busy Lizzy, ivy leaf and of various flowers from the balcony and a few small weeds from the pots; I have put them in a hot yellow cloth and I've started beating it with the hammer (see Monica's technique; see here : http://www.povestimigalite.blogspot.com/)
Begoniile ...
Si iata ce a iesit!!
This is the result!!
Cele mov sunt flori de "sporul casei", cele ciclamen frunze si flori de begonia si restul frunzulite diverse. Efectul de frunze "dungate" ale frunzelor de iedera le-am obtinut batand cu marginea ciocanului de batut carne, care e din metal :)
The purple flowers are the"Busy Lizzys", the cyclamen-colored leaves and flowers of Begonia and the rest are various leaflet.
Frunzele de iedera
The Ivy leaf
Dupa ce s-a uscat seva am calcat panza sa vad cum se comporta. Minunat! culorile sunt perfecte ; mai perfecte decat natura nici nu exista! In realitate, culorile sunt cele din prima poza; ramane sa-mi setez camera digitala...
Ramane sa vad ce fac din ele; cred ca ceva ATC-uri sau/si carti postale.
Pana atunci ies afara la capturi de flori si frunze; asta acum cat mai sunt:)
After they had dryied I ironed the cloth to see how it behaves. Wonderful! the colors are perfect, can't be better that this!
Remains to see what I make out of them, I think something of ATC's or/and postcards.
Until then I will go out to catch the flowers and leaves, while is still possible:)