E lucrat in tehnica trapunto cu organza pentru a crea razele de lumina ale artificiilor, apoi am cusut cu fir metalic auriu si metalic purpuriu fondul ca sa-l aplatizez.
Aici am pus organza peste vatelina si apoi modelul transferat pe hartie cerata
I managed to finish the fireworks after 5-day working around it, a miniquilt that I wanted to try it to see if I can render the spectacular effect of the firework. I do not know how I managed but I worked on it almost non-stop ( among karina`s vociferations and under the indulgence sight of my husband).
It's worked on trapunto technique with organza to create rays of the light , then I sewn background with gold metallic thread and metallic purple to flatten it.
Here I put organza over the wadding linen and then the transferred pattern on wax paper
Ce mi-a mai ramas din organza..
What is left of organza ....
Apoi am trecut la partea cea mai putin placuta a lucrului - "jumulitul " hartiei :))
Then I descended to the less pleasant work - "bleeding " the paper:))
Si asa arata in prima faza dupa primul cusut
The first stage after the first sewing
Dupa care am taiat vatelina exact pe langa model, lucru migalos caci trebuia sa fiu atenta sa nu tai organza.Prinsa cu lucrul am uitat sa fac poza la cum arata panza decupata de vatelina..
I cut the wadding linen besides model exactly, a meticulous work because I had to be careful not to cut the organza.Caught with the work I forgot to make a picture to show you how it looks the cutted canvas...
Am luat o bucata de panza bleumarin inchis pe care am prins in bolduri bucata de organza cusuta si am inceput sa trec din nou peste cusaturi ca sa prind organza, panza bleumarin , inca un strat de vatelina sub panza si dosul quiltului: deci patru straturi
I took a piece of dark navy canvas that I set , with pins, the piece of sewed orgnaza and then I started to sew again the seams to catch organza, the navy canvas, another layer of wadding linen under canvas and backside of the quilt, all togheter: four layers.
Si cam asa arata rezultatul dupa ore bune de quiltuit fondul
And this is the result after a few good hours of quilting
Iar aceasta este poza dupa care m-am inspirat; am desenat modelul cu mana libera "din ochi" dupa cel din poza.
And this is the picture that inspired me; I designed the pattern with carte-blanche after the one in the picture.
Mi-a facut placere sa lucrez la el dar nu cred ca m-as mai apuca asa curand de ceva similar :)
. I enjoyed the work on it but I do not think I`ll start something similar too soon:)