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Se afișează postările cu eticheta pillow. Afișați toate postările

luni, 20 octombrie 2008

Victorian Summer

Este gata si a doua perna, lucrata in stil victorian, perna la care imi place si modelul si culorile .
Tthe second pillow is ready too, worked in the Victorian style; I like at this pillow the young victorian lady and the colors of its.
Am folosit reverse applique pentru silueta feminina iar ca fond un material vintage cu trandafiri pe care am quiltuit urmarind conturul acestora. Am aplicat bineinteles si dantela , element specific perioadei victoriene, si volan purpuriu.

I used the reverse applies for feminine figure as background a fabric with vintage roses on which I quilted following their shapes. I applied the lace of course, the specific victorian item , and purple frill.
Silueta feminina e aplicatie pe care am brodat cu bulion stitch, parul, o mica dantelutata pe volanul rochiei si un trandafiras cusut , pe care tanara lady il tine in mana privind undeva , visatoare..

The feminine silhouette is an application on which I have embroidery with bulion Stitch(the hair), a small lace on the frill of the dress and a little rose , that the young lady is holding it in her hand .
Aici in faza de quiltuit

Un detaliu bulion stitch ( la buclele parului)

The hair ( I used bulion stitch)

Si perna in faza finala - And the finished pillow

Ca decor , stilul victorian e incarcat si poate cateodata obositor dar fata de stilul contemporan pe care arunci un material art deco si gata parca e ceva mai cald, mai primitor, mai intim.
As decor, Victorian style is busy and can sometimes tedious but against contemporary style on which you throw art deco fabric, victorian style represints something warmer, more welcoming, more intimate.

O sa incerc sa fac si un crazy cu elemente vintage sa vedem daca o sa ma descurc.Trebuie inspiratie insa in orice si capitolul timp stau prost insa :(
I will try to do a crazy with vintage items to see if I can handle it.But inspiration is needed, and some more time

In lucru e un pincushion lucrat cu material negru, coton crem , lucrat in sashiko si cu mici perle decorative. Se vrea un pincushion vedem ce va iesi pana la urma .:)
In progress is a pincushion worked with black fabric, cream coton, worked in sashiko and small decorative pearls. It is like an elegant pincushion .. we see what is going to come out at the end :)

marți, 7 octombrie 2008

Victorian Autumn- pillow decor

Am terminat perna inceputa saptamana trecuta si care mi-a luat ceva timp deoarece au intervenit schimbari de la o zi la alta in ceea ce priveste design-ul ei. Nu ma puteam hotari la ce va ramane si ce voi adauga.
Dimensiunile ei sunt cele standard, cel putin pentru Statele Unite, de 16x16 inches.
Pentru inceput am folosit tehnica Smarandei - aplicatii de curbe cusute manual cu punct invisibil
I finished the pillow started last week and took me some time since there have been changes from day to day in terms of its design. I could not agree on what remains and what I add. Dimensions are the standard, at least for the United States, 16x16 inches.
At the beginning I used the Smaranda tehcnique- sewed hand curves with invisible point

Apoi am trecut la quiltuit-ul pernei cu un model ales specific toamnei- frunze de mesteacan- si apoi si free motion , care mi-a placut tare mult
Then I switched to quilt the top of pillow with a specific chosen pattern autumn-leaf birch and then I tryed free motion, which I liked very much .

Si spatele, care are un material cu niste flori micute maron
And the back that is a fabric with some little brown flowers.

Dupa care am brodat pe un colt al pernei o victorian lady cu ata oranj, i-am adaugat cateva ornamente pe palarie iar parul i l-am brodat si cu fir auriu.
After I embroidery on a corner of the pillow a Victorian lady with orange thread, I added a few ornaments on the hat and hair and I embroidery with gold thread.

Bordura pernei este din material grena pe care am aplicat dantela ecru pentru efectul de vintaje. Dosul pernei are culoarea tutunului; nu este quiltuit.
Si asta e perna care va lua drumul magazinului

The border of pillow is dark red fabric that I applied for ecru lace for vintaje effect. The back are tobacco color, it is not quilted.
And this is the pillow

Este o perna de salon pentru o camera decorata in stil victorian sau retro din lemn masiv.
Am ales sa fie in stil vintage, o imbinare de culori "pamantesti" si culori de toamna - are aspect per ansamblu de "greu" ca sa spun asa..
A fost foarte incitant sa lucrez o astfel de perna cu multe elemnte, un stil care iti permite sa improvizezi si sa adaptezi elemente, un stil care imi place.
Cred ca voi relua "tema" in curand pentru o alta perna pentru ca am constatat ca imi place in mod deosebit stilul vintage.

It is a pillow for the living room decorated in Victorian style or retro wood.
I chose to be in vintage style, a compilation of "earth " colors and autumn colors - has overall issue of "heavy" to say so ..
It was very exciting to work such a pillow with many items, a style that lets you improvise and adapt elements, a style that I like.
I think I will resume the theme soon for another pillow because I found that I like in vintage style in particular.

luni, 29 septembrie 2008

"Rosy Dream" - pillows

Am terminat astazi cele doua pernute decor incepute saptamana trecuta, dupa ce crosetasem cateva dantele de antrenament si nu gaseam unde sa le aplic.
I finished today the two cushions decor started last week, after several crocheted laces training and I had no ideea where to apply them.

Dantela in "lucru"
Lace in progress

Sunt primele pernute decor din seria care va urma si care va fi vanduta in viitorul magazinul online .
The cushions decor are the first of the series that will follow and will be sold in online store future.

Sunt dragute si primitoare , potrivite pentru un decor romantic ; de aceea le-am numit "Vis Trandafiriu".

Culoarea lor trandafirie e mult mai blanda; nuanta aprinsa se datoreaza cred, luminii si blitzului.

They are nice and welcoming, suitable for a romantic decor, and therefore I named them "Rosy dream".

Aici readuse la culoarea lor aprox reala cu Picassa

Si pe dos
And the backside

In lucru sunt alte doua pernute decor din batik pe nuante de nisip, roz somon, verde - galbui si usor visiniu sub forme abstracte.
In progress are two cushions decor of batik with shades of sand, pink salmon, yellow-green and burgundy in abstract forms.

Sper sa le termin curand caci nu vreau sa ma opresc acum cat am inspiratie asa ca voi profita din plin de acele ore cand am "liber" de la printesa Karina..:)
I hope to finish them soon because I do not want to stop now while I have some inspiration so that I `ll benefit take advantage of the time off that I will have from Princess Karina .. :)

Pe curand! :)
See you soon!

miercuri, 27 august 2008

O pernuta pentru Craciun - A pillow for Christmas

Am terminat de cateva zile o pernuta lucrata in tehnica applique , un model luat de pe internet.
I finished a few days ago a pillow worked in the applique technique , a pattern taken from the internet.

Imi place foarte mult applique-ul si cred ca o sa-l folosesc mult timp.
I like very much applique, and I think I will use it for a long time.

Motivele le-am aplicat cu masina de cusut unde am folosit cusatura zig-zag si backstich. Mi-ar fi placut sa folosesc si cusatura invisible dar habar nu am cum sa folosesc talpita speciala pentru aceasta cusatura si sincer nici nu am exersat destul cu el. Va trebui sa o fac curand insa.
The pattern I applied with the sewing machine on which I used zig-zag stitch and backstich. I would have liked to use the invisible stitch but I dont know how to use the foot for it and truthfully I didn`t have practiced enough with it. I'll have to make one but soon.

Poate ca voi gasi o explicatie mai concreta pe undeva..deocamdata pe internet nu am vazut o demonstratie de folosire a acestei talpite.
Maybe I'll find a more detailed explanation somewhere else on the internet .. now I have not seen a demonstration of use of this foot.

La aplicarea motivelor am folosit acum talpita walking foot si mi-a fost destul de greu pentru ca dimensiunea pernitei e mica - trebuia sa o fac mai mare poate- si modelul mi sa parut migalos..dar am reusit !
In applying the pattern I used the walking foot and it was quite difficult because the pillow`s size is small - I should had make it bigger, and more than that the pattern was meticulous .. butI have succeeded!

Si iata rezultatul
And here is the result

In realitate culorile sunt mai aprinse si vii dar probabil acest efect de sters al pozei e datorat luminii prea multe din incapere..incerc sa revin cu o alta poza.

Am obosit...