Tthe second pillow is ready too, worked in the Victorian style; I like at this pillow the young victorian lady and the colors of its.
Am folosit reverse applique pentru silueta feminina iar ca fond un material vintage cu trandafiri pe care am quiltuit urmarind conturul acestora. Am aplicat bineinteles si dantela , element specific perioadei victoriene, si volan purpuriu.
I used the reverse applies for feminine figure as background a fabric with vintage roses on which I quilted following their shapes. I applied the lace of course, the specific victorian item , and purple frill.
Silueta feminina e aplicatie pe care am brodat cu bulion stitch, parul, o mica dantelutata pe volanul rochiei si un trandafiras cusut , pe care tanara lady il tine in mana privind undeva , visatoare..
The feminine silhouette is an application on which I have embroidery with bulion Stitch(the hair), a small lace on the frill of the dress and a little rose , that the young lady is holding it in her hand .
Aici in faza de quiltuit
Un detaliu bulion stitch ( la buclele parului)
The hair ( I used bulion stitch)
Si perna in faza finala - And the finished pillow
Ca decor , stilul victorian e incarcat si poate cateodata obositor dar fata de stilul contemporan pe care arunci un material art deco si gata parca e ceva mai cald, mai primitor, mai intim.
As decor, Victorian style is busy and can sometimes tedious but against contemporary style on which you throw art deco fabric, victorian style represints something warmer, more welcoming, more intimate.
O sa incerc sa fac si un crazy cu elemente vintage sa vedem daca o sa ma descurc.Trebuie inspiratie insa in orice si capitolul timp stau prost insa :(
I will try to do a crazy with vintage items to see if I can handle it.But inspiration is needed, and some more time
In lucru e un pincushion lucrat cu material negru, coton crem , lucrat in sashiko si cu mici perle decorative. Se vrea un pincushion vedem ce va iesi pana la urma .:)
In progress is a pincushion worked with black fabric, cream coton, worked in sashiko and small decorative pearls. It is like an elegant pincushion .. we see what is going to come out at the end :)