Iar o pauza de doua ore in care ma simt atat de bineeeeeeee!! Karina doarme ca orice prunc, cuminte si dragalasa:) . Iar eu profit de putinul timp care il am sa mai scriu si in blog.
Another two hours break in which I feel so gooooood! Karina sleeps like any baby, unassuming and gentle:). And I take the little time I have to write in the blog .
Asa cum spuneam am terminat perna lucrata cu punct shashiko.
I finished working on a shashiko pillow.
Tare usor mi s-a parut sa lucrez shashiko si sincer, fara urma de aroganta sau inganfare , nu stiu de ce trebuie tutoriale pentru shashiko, asa cum am vazut pe un blog!?E un punct foarte simplu de cusut iar paternurile sunt frumoase, captivante si de efect. Nu m-am plictisit deloc cosand shashiko! Din contra, m-am relaxat foarte bine.
It was so easy to work shashiko and frankly, without a trace of arrogance, I do not know why it is need for shahiko tutorials, as I saw on a blog? It's a very simple sewing and the patterns are beautiful, exciting and they have a nice effect. I was not bored at all sweing shashiko! On the contrary, I was very relaxed doing that.
Poate ca un proiect shashiko nu e asa stralucitor ca un quilt super colorat dar e ceva specific, delicat si elegant. Si se potriveste cu un decor ,bineinteles , asiatic.
Maybe a shashiko project is not so bright as a super colorful quilt but it's something specific, delicate and elegant. And it fits with, of course, an asian decor.
Perna mea e lucrata pe un material specific, indigo, cusut cu bumbac alb. In colturi am cusut cu broderie free motion patru cuvinte asiatice .
My pillow is worked on a specific fabrics, indigo color, sewn with white cotton. I sewed the corners with free motion embroidery, four Asian words .
Perna in lucru
The pillow in work
Un detaliu de broderie la masina
A detail of machine embroidery

Si iata perna
And look at the pillow
Cele patru simboluri asiatice nu stiu ce inseamna dar promit ca voi afla si va spun :) Ar fi chiar interesant ce semnifica si pentru mine si pentru viitorul ei proprietar, daca va fi unul.
I don`t know what those four asian symbols mean but I promise that I will find out and let you know too :) It would be really interesting the meaning for me and for future owner if it will have one .
Deci, un alt stil , o alta tehnica , ceva nou invatat. Si inca nu ma hotarasc la ce ma voi opri mai mult timp.. catva timp in urma cineva mi-a spus ca am stil..ma simt foarte magulita dar nu pot vorbi inca de un stil..mai am inca de invatat foarte multe lucruri, timp nu este suficient pentru cat as dori sa lucrez asa ca pana imi formez un stil mai e cale lunga..oricum , ma bucura faptul ca mi se acorda credit; acest lucru ma incurajeaza sa continui sa lucrez si sa invat.
So, another style, another technique,I've learned something new. And I still can`t decide on what I will stop for more time .. a while ago somebody told me that I have style .. I feel very flattering but can not yet speak about a style of mine.. I have since learned many things, the time is not enough for how much I would like to work so to develop a certain style is a long way .. anyway, I am glad that you give me some credit which encourages me to continue to work and learn .
Deocamdata in ultimele doua zile am lenevit bine si nu mi-a prins chiar rau...tinand cont ca a fost week end si din considerente religioase duminica nu lucrez.
So far in the last two days I was really lazy ... but considering it was weekend and being Christian I don`t work on Sundays .
Insa de maine ma intorc la "lucru"
But tomorrow I will go back to "work "...
Asa ca va urez o saptamana placuta, productiva si plina de inspiratie tuturor!
So I wish you all a pleasant week, productive and full of inspiration!