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Se afișează postările cu eticheta quilts. Afișați toate postările

duminică, 26 iulie 2009

Icoana- mozaic textil

A new work, a new project and an achievement I would say, that due to its complexity and detail of the mosaic art work .
O noua lucrare , un nou proiect si o realizare as spune eu; asta datorita complexitatii si muncii in detaliu a tehnicii mozaic.

I completed an icon of size 43x55 cm, created completely of fabrics, namely only satin worked in mosaic technique.

Am finalizat o icoana de dimensiunile 43x55 cm , creata complet din materiale textile, mai precis numai satin, lucrata in tehnica mozaicului.

Specifically: I have worked with small pieces of satin cuted to size 1x1 "and where was necessary I used strips the size of 2 mm width and 1 cm lungine. A pieces of satin were stuck on a previously selected fabric that I drawing the outline shapes of the icon, attached with fusible web, one by one. After  I finished  the integral gluing  I covered the whole icon,  gold edges , with old gold bronze tulle, to stabilize the satin pieces.

Concret: am lucrat cu bucatele mici de satin taiate la dimensiunea de 1x1"si unde modelul a cerut, am folosit si stripuri de dimensiunea de 2 mm latime si 1 cm lungine. Bucatelele de satin au fost lipite pe un material ales anterior pe care am desenat conturul formelor din icoana, lipite cu fusible web , una cate una; dupa ce am finalizat lipirea integrala am acoperit intreaga icoana, mai putin marginile aurii, cu tulle bronz auriu vechi, pentru a stabiliza bucatelele de satin.

After this operation I quilted the grooves of the  satin pieces. Finally I applied a gold border (I love goldchurches~ icon)because  it opens and creates the impression of continuous aura. I quilted the border too and I have to attach a binding, all gold, as a continuation of the border. I do not want to mix too many colors. On the connecting edge of the border with  the icon I have attached a green ribbon with antique gold, as a framework for the main reason.

Dupa aceasta operatie am quiltuit pe santurile dintre bucatelele de satin . In final am aplicat un border auriu- imi plac icoanele de biserici , aurii - pt ca mai deschide si creeaza impresia de aura continua. Am quiltuit si borderul si mai am de atasat un binding, tot auriu , ca o continuare a borderului. Nu vreau sa amestec prea multe culori . Pe marginea de unire a icoanei cu borderul am atasat un ribbon verde antic cu aurie , ca un cadru pentru motivul principal.

I chose thesatin to play the gloss  mosaic stone and that depending on the light the icon changes its colors become "other"
Am ales satinul pentru a reda luciul pietrei de mozaic si pentru ca in functie de lumina icoana isi schimba culorile devenind "alta".

In this work was valued Virgin expressiveness  and i admit that I worked at this point for I have not wanted to be a crude copy of the original image .I wanted  my icon to espress something special if even it was worked from fabrics.. La aceasta lucrare a fost apreciata expresivitatea maicii Domnului si recunosc ca am lucrat la acest punct pt ca nu am vrut sa fie o copie bruta a imaginii dupa care am lucrat ci am dorit ca icoana mea sa exprime ceva chiar daca este lucrata din material textil.

Do not ask me how work went .... of Sisyphus, but worth it I say, for hours i glues satin pieces, combining them to play the picture values plus the choice of materials. I had trouble with the fabrics because  I  not even had the colors and I  had to paint myself.... satin! And the use satin is a baroque satin  thicker than normal and more fluffy ..

Nu ma intrebati cum a decurs munca.... de Sisif, dar a merita zic eu; ore in sir de lipit bucatele de satin alunecoase, combinarea lor pentru a reda valorile tabloului plus alegerea materialelor . La materiale am avut probleme pt ca nu am avut chiar culorile pe care le-am dorit si a trebuit sa vopsesc eu....satin! Iar satinul folosit e un satin baroc, mai gros decat cel normal si mai pufos..

Here are finalized details of the icon:
Aici detalii din icoana finalizata:

And here is the finalized icon yet no binding (attach one edge of closing soon)

Si aici icoana finalizata , fara binding inca(marginea de incheiere o atasez curand)

Mosaic icon worked in town Lucca, Italy, it served me as a model for my work:

Icoana din mozaic lucrata in oraselul Lucca, Italia, mi-a servit drept model pentru lucrarea mea:

Although I would have liked a line closer to the original  I am  still happy with the result. Without false modesty I can confirm it is one of the best of my all work  so far even though I can`t framed it on quiltcategory . It is framed rather in mixed media art .... but I accept other opinions and criticism, of course.

Cu toate ca mi-as fi dorit o replica textila mai apropiata de original sunt totusi multumita de rezultat. Fara falsa modestie pot firma ca este una din cele mai bune lucrari ale mele de pana acum cu toate ca nu o pot incadra la categoria quilt. Se incadreaza mai degraba in mixed media art....dar accept si alte pareri si critici , bineinteles.

I wish you a new good week!
Va doresc saptamana buna tuturor!

luni, 2 februarie 2009

Ochre - "Desert sunset"

A quilt that had to participate at a competition in France but I decided not to attend given that my sewing machine let me off without any notice.I mean, it began work poorly and with all my efforts to adjust it I just did not to ruin my days trying to adjust .. It was strongly attached to the thread, it broke 4 needles, and so on...In short, it will be pensioned and I will buy a Janome how soon! Looking forward! :)
The "ochre" quilt is based on the idea of sunset in the desert more precisely on the colors of the specific and natural phenomenon. I strive to use and deals with materials that render more possible the natural phenomenon and sincerely I`m satisfied about the composition.
Technically I used rail fence quilt block adjusted for background. Curves are hand sewn in reverse applique and other elements are simple applications. The dark border are quilted with cactuses which are made in free motion technique.

Overall I like the grand result but I think I would have liked it more if I found some baticks in shades of specific ochre... the effect would have been spectacular! I had to thank with a stylized "desert sunset ".
Anyway, I hope you like the result.
Happy quilting and see you soon!!

Un quilt care ar fi trebuit sa participe la un concurs in Franta , insa am decis ca nu va participa avand in vedere faptul ca masina mea de cusut m-a lasat balta fara nici un preaviz. Adica a inceput sa lucreze prost si cu toate eforturile de a o regla nu am reusit decat sa -mi stric zilele in care am incercat sa o reglez. Si mi-a strans ata, mi -a rupt 4 ace , etc... Pe scurt, intra "la pensie" eu urmand sa-mi cumpar un Janome cat de curand! Abia astept!! :)
Quiltul "ocru" are ca baza ideea de apus de soare in desert mai exact culorile specifice acestui spectacol natural. M-am straduit sa evoc si sa folosesc materiale care sa redea cat mai natural fenomenul per ansamblu si sincer sunt multumita de compozitie.
Tehnic am folosit quilt block rail fence adaptate pentru fond. Curbele sunt cusute manual in reverse applique iar celelate elemente sunt aplicatii simple.Borderul inchis e quiltuit cu cactusi realizati cu free motion . Per ansamblu imi place combinatia rezultata insa cred ca mi-ar fi placut mai mult daca gaseam batikuri in nuante specifice de ocru...daca gaseam batikuri in nuante specifice de ocru...efectul ar fi fost specatculos! A trebuit sa ma multumesc insa cu un "desert sunset" stilizat .

Oricum, sper sa va placa ideea .
Spor la lucru si pe curand!!

vineri, 5 decembrie 2008

Christmas Wall Hanging

Am reusit sa termin mini quiltul pe care mi l-am facut cadou in seara de mos Nicolae:)).

E un wall hanging asa cum am "promis" intr-un alt pare ca o sa mai treaca ceva timp pana ma voi apuca de unul mai mare.

Este un model traditional- nu sunt fan quilt traditional , dar acesta mi s -a parut potrivit pentru tema. Modelul se numeste Saw Tooth Star.

Am folosit culorile traditionale mai putin galbenul poate...nici nu stiu de ce am ales galben... insa la momentul acela galben am vrut. Sau poate crem?

Si un mic detaliu

Per ansamblu imi place ce a iesit chiar daca imi doream sa iasa un pic "altfel".

Dar pentru un colt mai intunecat din apartamentul meu chiar merge.

luni, 1 septembrie 2008

Primul meu quilt "urias" - my first "huge" quilt

Anul trecut, cand nici nu incepusem sa aflu prea multe despre quilt, m-am gandit ca vreau sa fac o patura cat patul. Eram grabita rau :)).
Aveam deja niste materiale cumparate , prin casa, asa ca am luat cel mai simplu pattern de pe internet si m-am pus pe treaba.
Quiltul are 90 x 54 inchi si este aproape tot patul.
E lucrat stangaci pentru ca atat ma pricepeam atunci dar e primul meu quilt "urias" .:)
Cam asa arata

Last year, when I didnt even started to know too much about quilting, I was thinking to make a blanket for the bed; so I was in a big hurry :)).
I went through some fabrics already purchased stacked in the closet, so I took the simplest pattern from the internet and I started to work on it.
The quilt is about 90 x 54 inches and it almost covers the bed.
It is primitively worked becouse I didnt know too much about quilting at that time; but for me it is my first "huge" quilt.:)

vineri, 29 august 2008

Patchwork - quilt , quilt si iar...quilt

Am terminat acum o luna un quilt care l-am inceput anul trecut si l-am abandonat pentru ca eram insarcinata si nu prea mai aveam chef..stiti voi :)
A month ago I had completed a quilt which I started last year and had to drope it becouse I was pregnant and I wasn't really in the mood for it... you know ..:)

Are un colorit vesel si se pare ca ..tot karina o sa se bucure de el :)) si mie imi place dar e mic..
It has a happy colouring .. it seems that karina will be the one to enjoy it:)) I like it too but it is too small for me :)) ..

Si in urma cu 5 luni, inainte sa nasc , am lucrat si terminat acest mic quilt care deja e in alta parte si sper sa se bucure de el proprietarul.
L-am lucrat in culorile lavandei si am folosit un bloc din noua patrate pe care l-am taiat in patru si apoi l-am reunit in alta forma decat in cea initiala..cusute bineinteles. Am creat astfel cateva blocuri si am construit quiltul.
Five months ago, I worked on and finished this small quilt that already is elsewhere and I hope that the owner enjoys it.
I worked in the lavender colours and I used a block of nine squares which I cut in four and then I stitched them in another form other than the initial one .. . I have created few blocks like this one and I build the quilt.

Si tot de curand..adica de cateva terminat si quiltul asta inverzit
And just recently .. meaning several months .. I finished this green quilt

Toate astea pentru ca am fost in criza de inspiratie si timp berechet :)..acum trebuie sa ma rog de maria sa Karina sa ma lase sa lucrez din cand in cand :))
All this because I was short of inspiration and I had planty of time :) .. for now I must ask my daughter Karina to let me work from time to time:))

Am obosit...