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sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2009

Fabric dyeing

Finally I was able to start and finished what should I have done for almost half a year: to dye fabrics.
In sfarsit am reusit sa ma apuc si sa duc pana la capat ceea ce trebuia sa fac de aproape o jumatate de an; sa vopsesc panza.

Morning I woke up quite early with the intention to draft a new project and trying to gather all information I found a blog, "equipped" with all the information about dyed fabrics: Http:// and I wanted to dyed fabric too :)
Dimineata m-am trezit destul de devreme cu intentia de a schita un nou proiect; si  tot incercand sa adun informatii am gasit un blog, "echipat" total cu toate informatiile despre vopsit panza . si mi s-a retrezit interesul sa vopsesc si eu. :)

I had all the "tools" prepared in advance and I started working.

I decided that I will not paint than fat quarter of material in a wide range of colors, so why fat quarter? because I  work only decor objects and yet I do not need a lot of fabrics of one color.
Aveam toate "utilajele" pregatite din timp si m-am apucat de treaba.
Am hotarat ca nu voi vopsi decat fat quarter din material, intr-o gama mai larga de culori; de ce fat quarter? pentru ca eu nu lucrez decat obiecte de decor deocamdata si nu am nevoie de metri intregi de o singura culoare

I had already bought several colors of Rit dye products, a different paint from the  Dharma or Procion paints.  I painted with it  in the "cold"  because decor objects are not washable like  a classic quilt and  there is no danger to lose colors.
Aveam deja cumparate o serie de culori din produsele Rit dye,diferita de Procion sau Dharma. Insa am vopsit cu ea la "rece" pentru ca obiectele de decor nu se spala ca un quilt clasic si deci nu e pericol ca sa se piarda culoarea.

Regarding those who wanted to get, I thought I wanted some colored fabrics in a hue, gradient, like marble.  For that I got some plastic cup on which I put the limp piece of fat quarter as best as on the cup and then I added  over it the paint ready  in a separate jar.
Cat priveste cele ce doream sa obtin ,m-am gandit ca vreau niste materiale vopsite intr-o nuanta, in degrade, gen marble. pentru asta am luat pahare de plastic in care am pus bucata de fat quarter mototolita cat mai bine in el si peste ea am adaugat vopseaua pregatita intr-un borcan separat.

The whole process was an experiment in which I expected to have  failures, but I liked the result, in general.

After six hours in which I  kept plastic glasses in the house, in a warm room, I washed the fabric in cold water and the result is ton the wire:)
Intregul proces a fost un experiment in care ma asteptam si la esecuri ; insa mi-a placut rezultatul , in general.
Dupa sase ore in care am tinut paharele de plastic in casa, la caldura, am spalat materialele in apa rece si rezultatul e pe sarma :)

And here the fabrics are  dryied and ironed
Si aici uscate si calcate

I like the result, watercolor style, which is why I have decided that i want more and more:) but in two different colors.
For thisI used the technique for Low Water Immersion you find here it here : for who wants to try it.

The technique is not difficult  the patterns and interesting and exiting and differ one from another depending on how you apply the paint. In fact, it is said improperly apply not apply because it isnot any apply ;it is getting dyied with a small quantity of water as much is necessary for the fabric  to absorb the dye to disseminate  beautiful abstract designs.
Maybe a tutorial in Romanian on soon but depending on my leisure ...
Imi place cum au iesit, stil watercolor, drept pentru care am hotarat ca mai vreau si altele :) insa in doua culori diferite.
Pentru asta am folosit tehnica Low Water Immersion pe care o gasiti aici pentru cine doreste sa o incerce.
Tehnica nu e dificila si patternurile ies interesante si diferite intre ele in functie de cum aplici vopseaua. In fond , este impropriu spus aplici caci nu aplici nimic ; se vopseste cu o cantitate cat mai mica de apa atat cat ii este necesar panzei sa absoarba si vopseaua sa difuzeze in ea in desene abstracte superbe.
Poate un tutorial in limba romana pe curand dar in functie de timpul care il am la dispozitie...

Because I was not sure if I will succeed I made only two such experiments in which, first I used  purple and tangerines pigments and secondly purple and fuchsia. The first combination, the left image, I love it, is a successful combination. And the other is nice but monochrome.
Pentru ca nu eram sigura daca imi va reusi am facut numai doua experimente de acest fel in care, in primul am folosit pigment purple si tangerine iar in al doilea purple si fucsia. Prima combinatie , cea din stanga imaginii, imi place mult; e o combinatie reusita. Si cealalta e placuta  dar mai monocroma.

Here is a closer picture of the material, made in the evening on the balcony among the leaves that fall  not stop.
Aici o poza mai aproape a materialelor , facuta seara in balcon printre frunzele care cad si nu se mai opresc.

Satisfied by the result, I decided that I can relax to enjoy my green tea with cinnamon and do the "crime" to taste the pecan cookies , bought in order to serve guests not for me because I am on  diet ... cica:))
Multumita de rezultat, am hotarat ca ma pot relaxa sa-mi savurez ceaiul verde cu scortisoara si sa fac "crima" de a gusta din ispititoarele prajiturele cu pecan, cumparate cu scopul de a servi musafirii nu pentru mine care sunt la dieta...cica:))

Pe curand si spor la lucru tuturor!

Am obosit...