miercuri, 17 septembrie 2008

crazy baby blanket

Asaaa..dupa experienta cu mozaicul si alte "experiente" :)) am invatat cum se face un paper piecing si dupa ce am scos la imprimanta mai multe exemplare de diagrame am facut un quilt micut pentru un bebe

Sooo....after the experience with mosaic quilt and another "experiences" :)) I learned how to do a paper piecing and after I have printed more copies of diagrams I made a quilt for a little baby
All I want to say is paper piecing it seems a very easy tehnique , in my opinion..I`ll use this tehnique a lot in the future.

I-am aplicat un ursulet, o girafa si o floare ca sa-l personalizez si arata cam incarcat dar arata totusi a paturica de bebe.

Asa ca sunt bune de ceva si bucatelele astea de panza ..cred ca mai am o sacosa maaaaare cu alte resturi...dar nu ma incumet acum de alt crazy quilt ca am proiecte de terminat.

I applied on it a little bear, a giraffe and a flower to make it to look like a baby blanket and it looks pretty busy but still looks like a blanket for a bebe.
So, they have some good use these scraps of canvas .. I think I still have a a big bag with other scraps ... but now I dont dare to start another crazy quilt , because I have other projects to finish.

Un comentariu:

Ela spunea...

Ti-a iesit foarte bine, Dana! Daca aveai galben, poate mergea si sashing si border galben?! Sau era prea mult!!Dar tu fiind cu materialele in fata, le-ai grupat cum veneau cel mai bine!

Am obosit...