Anul trecut, cam prin septembrie am lucrat aceste doua quilturi micute care acum stau deasupra patutului fetitei mele.
Last year, around September I have worked on these two little quilts which now stand above my daughter`s crib.
Sunt aplicatii pe un material bleumarin si pe margine un material frumos cu norisori pe care l-am gasit la Jo Ann.
Applications are on a navy material and on its edges I found a beautiful fabric with clouds .
Mi s-a parut frumos contrastul intre galben si bleumarin.
I found a beautiful contrast between the yellow and navy.
The Sun.. luna.
...and the moon.
Si aici deja "instalate" la destinatia lor
And here already "installed" at their destination
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Ce coltisor frumos pentru camera copilului! Bravo!
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