In tzara am lucrat cateva goblene si imi place foarte mult aspectul lor final.
Asa ca am mers la magazinul de fabrics and crafts de aici - Jo Ann- sa caut un model.
Surprizaaaaaaaa!!! Nu am gasit absolut nimic din ceea ce stiam eu ca se cheama goblen! Tot ce am gasit sunt modele care se lucreaza pe panza Aida- nicidecum pe panza speciala de goblen- in punct de cruciulita. Buuun..adica nu e bun ca am fost total dezamagita :( eu am vrut goblen nu cruciulita... si apoi toate modelele gasite lasau de dorit ca tematica - numai animale, flori si peisaje moarte- asa ca am renuntat sa iau totusi un model in punct de cruciulita.
Mi-am adus aminte ca am achizitionat de pe doua carti frumos ilustrate si absolut practice; au zeci de modele in punct de cruciulita.
Si in timp ce le rasfoiam sa-mi aleg un model - tot vroiam sa cos ceva asemanator goblenului - am dat peste acest model dragut si delicat si m-am decis sa ma apuc sa-l lucrez
In Romania I worked a few gobelins and I liked very much their final appearance.
So I went to the fabrics and crafts store - Jo-Ann, to look for a model.
Surpriseeeeeeeee! I found absolutely nothing of what I knew is goblen! What I've found are models that work on canvas Aida-not on special canvas goblen.... okkk .. I mean, not ok because I was totally disappointed: (I wanted goblen not crossstitch ... more than that, all the models were not satisfying regarding to the themes - only animals, flowers, landscapes and still lifes - so I quit to look for a model in crossstitch.
I remembered that I acquired two books on beautifully illustrated and totally practical; they have dozens of models in terms crossstitch.
And while I have looked for a model I found a fairy flower .I found this model over sweet and delicate and I decided to start working on it.
Aici este ce am lucrat pana incercat sa-ll lucrez cu jumatate de cruciulita ca pe un goblen dar nu iese nimic pentru ca panza nu e panza speciala si are ochiuri mari.
Here is what I worked so far .... I tried working with half crossstitch as a gobelin but it is a big difference between a gobelin and I quit sewing it with half cross...
Cred ca o sa iasa foarte dragut pentru ca are niste culori delicate si varfurile aripilor le-am lucrat cu metallic gold , culoare cu incarcatura magica.
De abia astept sa o termin si cred ca o voi transforma intr-un tablou micut in camera fetitei mele.
I think it will be a very nice picture becase has some delicate colours and delicate wings. I worked them with metallic gold, with a dark magic load.
I'm very excited to finish it and I think that one will turn into a little picture in my daughter`s room.
Acum o imagine cu magazimul Jo-Ann de unde ma aprovizionez cu toate cele necesare lucrului si vreau sa spun ca e foarte dotat! As fi vrut sa fac poze si in interior sa va arat cum arata rafturi imense si intinse cu materiale in toate culorile dar nu am avut curajul. Poate ca data viitoare voi cere permisiunea magazinului si voi posta ceva poze...pana atunci intrarea in magazin
Now a picture with the store- Jo-Ann- where I get my supplies from.A store with all the necessary for work and it's needless to say that is very supplied! I have wanted to make pictures and inside to show what it looks like..there are huge racks and fabrics in all colors but I didn't have the courage. Maybe next time I will ask for permission and and make some pictures for you... until then, the shop entrance.
Si cele doua carti achiziotionate de pe
And two books purchased from
Nu-mi mai ramane decat sa termin modelul si sa-i gasesc un loc in casa.
Ador ingerasii si fairies! :)
I love the little angels and fairies!!
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Ce fericita esti ca ai un asemenea magazin!!!
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