luni, 10 noiembrie 2008

Kuna Mola- reverse applique

De catva timp, aproximativ de vreo doua luni, cautand pe spatiul virtual niste informatii, am gasit un site (si apoi altele asemantoare) care descriu lucrarile unui trib mult uitat de timp , de undeva din canalul Panama, trib care se numeste Kuna.
A while ago, maybe about a couple of months ago, looking on virtual space for some information, I found a site (and then others) describing the work of a tribe long forgotten in time, located somewhere in the Panama Canal; the tribe is called Kuna.

Nu mi-am putut imagina cata indemanare, inspiratie in alegerea culorilor si mai ales rabdare in a crea un proiect mola au acesti oameni atat de simpli!
I could never imagine how skill, inspiration in choosing colors and especially patience in creating a mola project have these so simple people!

Mola inseamna bluza.
Mola means blouse.

Tehnica de lucru principala este reverse applique cateodata combinata cu applique. Se lucreaza numai manual.

The main technical work is reverse applique sometimes combined with applique. It's worked only by hand.
Insa ceea ce este interesant este faptul ca aceste molas se fac din mai multe straturi de material...
But what is interesting is that these molas are made of multiple layers of fabrics ...

Femeie Kuna purtand o mola
Kuna woman wearing a Mola

Pe materialul de fond se deseneaza modelul ales. Apoi in functie de culorile si priceperea "artistului" Kuna se aseaza sub materialul de fond, in mod succcesiv alte materiale ; toate acestea se insaileaza pe margine pentru a le stabiliza apoi se trece la taierea materialului de fond urmarind desenul ales. Se coase ca orice reverse applique insa in tehnica lor cusaturile sunt vizibile.

On the background fabric we're drawing the chosen model. Then, depending on the colors and the Kuna artist skill is gets placed the fabric foundation the other fabrics, in succcesive order; all these are baste to stabilize them, after that we proceed to cut the fabric foundation following the chosen design. It seam like any reverse applique but in this technique seams is visible .

Aici un exemplu de mola cu trei straturi printre care sunt asezate bucatele de materiale diferit colorate .
Here is an example of Mola with three layers on which are placed pieces of different colored fabrics.

Un amanunt : cea mai simpla mola implica doar doua straturi de materiale; la aceasta mola au fost necesare patru straturi de materiale care au fost asezate succesiv pentru a crea acele canale subtiri si diferit colorate, care apar atunci cand materialul e taiat. Pe scurt, vrei sa lucrezi pe fondul acesta rosu un canal verde? tai atunci materialul pe linia desenului pana ajungi la materialul verde... e destul de ciudat si dificil dar eu am incercat
One detail: the simplest Mola involve only two layers of fabrics; for this Mola were necessary four layers of fabrics that were placed in succession to create those different colored and thin channels that occur when the fabric is cut. In short, you want to work on the red background a green channel? in this case cut the fabric following the design until you get to the green fabric ... is quite strange and difficult .

M -a fascinat tehnica- oricum aplicatiile sunt pe locul intai in preferintele mele legate de stitch- si apoi culorile folosite. Indienii Kuna folosesc numai culori contrastante predominand grena , corai , verde , portocaliu , magenta, negru dar nu numai.
Aici o mola mai simpla din doua straturi intre care au fost aplicate bucatele de alte materiale colorate , fiecare la destinatia lor in functie de ce culori indica modelul ales.
I was fascinated by this technique - however applications are still on first place in my preferences related to the stitch - and then the used colors . Kuna Indians uses only predominantly contrasting colors garnet, coral, green, orange, magenta, black, but not only.
Here is a simple Mola of two layers between it have been applied to other pieces of colored fabrics, each at their destination depending on what colors indicate the chosen pattern.

Si aici o broasca testoasa...observati canalele acelea subtiri colorate? Sunt create prin taierea materialului si prin coaserea marginilor acelui canal. In mola moderna apar si elemente de broderie pentru efect
And here a turtle ... do you see those thin colored channels? They are created by cutting fabric and sewing edges of the channel. In a modern Mola appear elements of embroidery for the effect .

Am incercat si eu o mola, prima mea mola si hotarat lucru vor urma si altele. Pe aceasta prima mola am lucrat-o in trei zile dat fiind faptul ca este relativ simpla; insa! nu m-am documentat suficient in privinta tehnicii si am aplicat sapte straturi de materiale simultan! rezultatul a fost ca trebuit sa cos un teanc gros de materiale deodata ceea ce nu este estetic si in primul rand nu e corect.
Aceasta e mola mea. Aici am asezat cele sapte straturi si le-am cusut pe margine; fotografiile sunt facute deja cand avansasem cu lucru
I tried myself a Mola, my first Mola and decided to work and others will follow. On this first Mola I worked on it took me three days because it was relatively simple, though! I didnt documented myself enough about the technique and I applied seven layers of fabrics simultaneously! the result was that I had to sew a thick pile of fabrics at once what is unaesthetic and is not the specific technique.
This is my Mola. Here I sat down seven layers, and I sewed them on the edge, the photos are already taken when work was in an advanced stage.

Aici in lucru , nefinalizata

Here in progres , not finalized

Si aici deja la locul ei

On its place

Atat de mult imi place tehnica si ceea ce rezulta dupa aceea incat am in lucru o noua mola , un desen cu flori stilizate din doua straturi intre care am asezat si insailat peticele de materiale colorate.

I like so much this technique and what are the results afterwards that I already work on a new Mola, a design with stylized flowers, two layers, between them I placed down and baste scraps of colored fabrics.

Primul strat e alb, cel de dedesupt, si e materialul pe care am asezat bucatile de petice apoi stratul negru care acopera totul si pe care se lucreaza
The first layer is white, below, and it is the fabric on which I sat down pieces and then black patch layer that covers everything, on wich the work is going to be placed.

Bineinteles ca nu am pretentia unei mole adevarate pentru ca cere foarte multa rabdare si mai ales experienta; deja trecand prin faze de lucru mi-am dat seama ce greseli am facut si pe care trebuie sa le evit la urmatoarea mola; dar din experienta se invata.
Designul unei mole este inspirat din fauna si flora zonei in care traieste tribul Kuna.
Executia unei mole dureaza de la 2 la 9 luni! Ma refer la acele mole care implica de la 4 straturi in sus , design complex si dimensiuni mult mai mari decat a mea.

Nu exista patternuri pentru un proiect mola, fiecare mola fiind unica si individualizata in functie de talentul si inventivitatea celei care o coase.
In lume, numai indienii Kuna lucreaza astfel de opere, pentru ca aceste mola isi merita pe deplin numele de opere.
Pentru mai multe informatii si fotografii :

Din pacate, nu am gasit decat un singur tutorial de mola, dupa parerea mea destul de bine explicat si de fapt singurul. ..
Se pare ca arta Kuna va mai apartine destul de mult timp celor care au initiat-o si celor care o creeaza in permanenta.
Aici se afla mola tutorial in engleza

Of course I did not claim to work a real Mola because requires a lot of patience and experience, especially; already passing through phases of work, I realized what mistakes I made and I have to avoid them at the next Mola, but we all learn from experience .
The design of mola is inspired from animals, birds and flowers originated from the area where Kuna tribe exists.
Execution of a mola takes from 2 to 9 months! I am reffering to those molas which are involving from 4 layers up, design and complex dimensions much larger than mine.
There are no patterns for a project Mola, each of the molas being unique and individualized according to the talent of the artist.
In the world, only Kuna Indians sew these molas.

Unfortunately, I have found a single tutorial for Mola, in my opinion pretty well explained and in fact only one. ..
It seems that the Kuna art will belong quite a long time to those who initiated it and to those who are permanently creating it.

For more information and photos: > and mola tutorial 20How% 20Made/pajaromola.html

duminică, 9 noiembrie 2008

About generosity

"We can not do great things on this Earth, we can do small things but with a lot of love.
If you can not feed a hundred people, feeds only one."

"Nu putem sa facem lucruri mari pe acest Pamant, putem face insa lucruri mici, dar cu dragoste.
Daca nu poti hrani o suta de oameni, hraneste doar unul singur."

Mother Teresa

duminică, 2 noiembrie 2008

Shashiko Maze pillow

Hello everybody!

Iar o pauza de doua ore in care ma simt atat de bineeeeeeee!! Karina doarme ca orice prunc, cuminte si dragalasa:) . Iar eu profit de putinul timp care il am sa mai scriu si in blog.
Another two hours break in which I feel so gooooood! Karina sleeps like any baby, unassuming and gentle:). And I take the little time I have to write in the blog .

Asa cum spuneam am terminat perna lucrata cu punct shashiko.

I finished working on a shashiko pillow.

Tare usor mi s-a parut sa lucrez shashiko si sincer, fara urma de aroganta sau inganfare , nu stiu de ce trebuie tutoriale pentru shashiko, asa cum am vazut pe un blog!?E un punct foarte simplu de cusut iar paternurile sunt frumoase, captivante si de efect. Nu m-am plictisit deloc cosand shashiko! Din contra, m-am relaxat foarte bine.
It was so easy to work shashiko and frankly, without a trace of arrogance, I do not know why it is need for shahiko tutorials, as I saw on a blog? It's a very simple sewing and the patterns are beautiful, exciting and they have a nice effect. I was not bored at all sweing shashiko! On the contrary, I was very relaxed doing that.

Poate ca un proiect shashiko nu e asa stralucitor ca un quilt super colorat dar e ceva specific, delicat si elegant. Si se potriveste cu un decor ,bineinteles , asiatic.

Maybe a shashiko project is not so bright as a super colorful quilt but it's something specific, delicate and elegant. And it fits with, of course, an asian decor.

Perna mea e lucrata pe un material specific, indigo, cusut cu bumbac alb. In colturi am cusut cu broderie free motion patru cuvinte asiatice .

My pillow is worked on a specific fabrics, indigo color, sewn with white cotton. I sewed the corners with free motion embroidery, four Asian words .

Perna in lucru

The pillow in work

Un detaliu de broderie la masina

A detail of machine embroidery

Si iata perna

And look at the pillow

Cele patru simboluri asiatice nu stiu ce inseamna dar promit ca voi afla si va spun :) Ar fi chiar interesant ce semnifica si pentru mine si pentru viitorul ei proprietar, daca va fi unul.
I don`t know what those four asian symbols mean but I promise that I will find out and let you know too :) It would be really interesting the meaning for me and for future owner if it will have one .

Deci, un alt stil , o alta tehnica , ceva nou invatat. Si inca nu ma hotarasc la ce ma voi opri mai mult timp.. catva timp in urma cineva mi-a spus ca am simt foarte magulita dar nu pot vorbi inca de un stil..mai am inca de invatat foarte multe lucruri, timp nu este suficient pentru cat as dori sa lucrez asa ca pana imi formez un stil mai e cale lunga..oricum , ma bucura faptul ca mi se acorda credit; acest lucru ma incurajeaza sa continui sa lucrez si sa invat.
So, another style, another technique,I've learned something new. And I still can`t decide on what I will stop for more time .. a while ago somebody told me that I have style .. I feel very flattering but can not yet speak about a style of mine.. I have since learned many things, the time is not enough for how much I would like to work so to develop a certain style is a long way .. anyway, I am glad that you give me some credit which encourages me to continue to work and learn .

Deocamdata in ultimele doua zile am lenevit bine si nu mi-a prins chiar rau...tinand cont ca a fost week end si din considerente religioase duminica nu lucrez.
So far in the last two days I was really lazy ... but considering it was weekend and being Christian I don`t work on Sundays .

Insa de maine ma intorc la "lucru"
But tomorrow I will go back to "work "...

Asa ca va urez o saptamana placuta, productiva si plina de inspiratie tuturor!

So I wish you all a pleasant week, productive and full of inspiration!



marți, 28 octombrie 2008

Elegant Pincushion

Back to you :). Dupa zile de epuizare; Karina e din ce in ce mai dificila , revendica tot mai multa atentie ceea ce ma dezavantajeaza in munca mea . Ma simt epuizata si as vreau tot mai mult timp sa lucrez; ma uit la rafturile cu materiale care asteapta sa fie lucrate ... la cartile pe care trebuie sa le studiez si ma gandesc de unde timp??? Sincer, ma simt frustrata.:(
After days of exhaustion, Karina is increasingly difficult, claiming more attention which disadvantages me in my work. I feel exhausted and I still want more time to work, I look at the shelves with materials waiting to be worked ... the books I have to study and I think where do I get the time from? Frankly, I feel frustrated .:(

Am reusit sa termin pincushion-ul de o saptamana ,insa, cum spuneam, nu am avut timp nici sa respir prea mult dar sa mai scriu pe blog.
Acum sunt intr-o pauza pe care mi-am impus-o sa pot posta ce am de postat.

I managed to finish the pincushion for a week now, but like I said, I have not had any time to breathe or to write the blog.
Now I am in a break so I can post what I need to post.

Un pincushion lucrat cu material sintetic negru- destul de greu de lucrat- brodat cu cotton crem si aplicatie pe margine de cord romanesc crosetat ( tehnica veche pe care eu de-abia acum am invatat-o ). Pe fetele lui am lucrat simboluri japoneze in punct de shashiko( ador shashiko); ia pe alocuri am cusut perle aurii si argintii. In mijlocul pinchusion-ului am cusut un nasture aramiu , model vintage.
Muchiile le-am brodat in nod portughez.
A pincushion worked with synthetic black; quite difficult to work embroidery with cream cotton and application on the edge of Romanian Crocheted cord (old technique that just now I learned it). On its sides I have worked in the Japanese symbol of shashiko (love shashiko); on some respects I sewed on gold and silver pearls. In the middle of the pinchusion I sewed a vintage model copper button.

The edges were embroided in Portuguese node.

Mie imi place tare mult cum arata; e mai deosebit decat cele din fetru chiar daca emai pretentios.
I like it very much how it looks like, it is more special than the ones made from felt even this one is somewhat pretentious.

Punct de shashiko: un evantai

Dotet shashiko: a fan

Un cocor.. Pe margine romanian cord crosetat

A crane .. On the edge romanian crocheted cord

si pincushion-ul intreg

and the whole pincushion

Mi-a facut placere sa-l lucrez mai ales ca am descoperit, incercand atatea tehnici si moduri de lucru, ca imi place sa lucrez proiecte mici , cu detalii, migaloase si cu mai multe tehnici.
Tot astfel mi-am dat seama de ce nu ma pot apuca de un quilt asa ma atrage absolut deloc quiltul traditional. Din toate blocurile de quilt pe care le-am vazut pe quiltgalore si nu numai- cu foarte putine exceptii- nimic nu mi-a placut.
It was nice working on it more because I have discovered, trying many techniques and ways of working, as I like to work small projects, with details, very careful and more techniques. The same way I realized why I can not get a quilt so easy ... I'm not attracted of traditional quilt at all. O
f all the blocks of quilt that I have seen quiltgalore site -and not only with very few exceptions-there was nothing I liked

Sunt aproape convinsa ca munca mea se va concentra mai mult pe aplicatii, croset si mai ales broderia sub toate formele ei.
I'm almost convinced that my work will focus more on applique,crochet and especially embroidery in all its forms.

Poate ca va fi si un quilt dar mai mult ca sigur va fi ori un crazy ori un quilt cu aplice. Si poate numai wall hanging..
Maybe it will be a quilt but most likely will be either a crazy or a
quilt with a fold apply. And maybe just hanging wall ..

Apropo de shashiko...superba lucratura ! ma atrage ca un magnet. Am in lucru o perna care va fi terminata azi cu siguranta lucrata in punct de shashiko. O voi posta zilele urmatoare.

Pana atunci..happy stitching tuturor!

Speaking of shashiko ...I love the stitch! Its attracting me as a magnet.
I work on a pillow which will be finished certainly today,
worked in shashiko stitch.I`ll post it next day.

Untill then...happy stitching to everybody!

Am obosit...