vineri, 29 august 2008

Toamna de basm- Fairytale autumn

Am gasit la Jo Ann un material foarte frumos colorat in degrade, in culorile toamnei si "stropit" - ca nu gasesc alt termen- cu auriu sub forma de linii subtiri ca niste pentru ca arata tare bine m-am decis sa nu-l tai si sa-l combin cu altceva ci sa fac din el un trapunto.
Si fiindca are culorile toamnei nici nu putea sa fie folosit decat la o lucrare cu frunze moarte..zis si cam asa arata

I found at Jo Ann store a very beautifully colored fabric in the colours of autumn and "sprinkled " with gold in the form of thiny lines like meanders ... and becouse it look so beautiful I decided do not cut and combin it with another fabrics and make out of it a trapunto.
And because it has colors of autumn it couldn`t be used but for a dead leaves quilt.. .. said and done, and looks like this

Nu stiu ce folosinta sa-i dau pentru ca mi se pare destul de delicat...cred ca cel mai potrivit ar fi pe un perete poate sau pe o masa, ca decor...pana una alta nu mai am unde-l pune :))
Asa ca va sta frumos in dulap asteptand sa fie dat cadou.

I do not know what use I could find for it becouse it seems to me quite delicately ... I think the best place for it would be on a wall or maybe on a table, ... until then I can`t find a place to hang it :))
So it will be nicely waiting in cupboard waiting to be given gifted away.

Patchwork - quilt , quilt si iar...quilt

Am terminat acum o luna un quilt care l-am inceput anul trecut si l-am abandonat pentru ca eram insarcinata si nu prea mai aveam chef..stiti voi :)
A month ago I had completed a quilt which I started last year and had to drope it becouse I was pregnant and I wasn't really in the mood for it... you know ..:)

Are un colorit vesel si se pare ca ..tot karina o sa se bucure de el :)) si mie imi place dar e mic..
It has a happy colouring .. it seems that karina will be the one to enjoy it:)) I like it too but it is too small for me :)) ..

Si in urma cu 5 luni, inainte sa nasc , am lucrat si terminat acest mic quilt care deja e in alta parte si sper sa se bucure de el proprietarul.
L-am lucrat in culorile lavandei si am folosit un bloc din noua patrate pe care l-am taiat in patru si apoi l-am reunit in alta forma decat in cea initiala..cusute bineinteles. Am creat astfel cateva blocuri si am construit quiltul.
Five months ago, I worked on and finished this small quilt that already is elsewhere and I hope that the owner enjoys it.
I worked in the lavender colours and I used a block of nine squares which I cut in four and then I stitched them in another form other than the initial one .. . I have created few blocks like this one and I build the quilt.

Si tot de curand..adica de cateva terminat si quiltul asta inverzit
And just recently .. meaning several months .. I finished this green quilt

Toate astea pentru ca am fost in criza de inspiratie si timp berechet :)..acum trebuie sa ma rog de maria sa Karina sa ma lase sa lucrez din cand in cand :))
All this because I was short of inspiration and I had planty of time :) .. for now I must ask my daughter Karina to let me work from time to time:))

Soarele si luna - the sun and the moon ( applique)

Anul trecut, cam prin septembrie am lucrat aceste doua quilturi micute care acum stau deasupra patutului fetitei mele.
Last year, around September I have worked on these two little quilts which now stand above my daughter`s crib.

Sunt aplicatii pe un material bleumarin si pe margine un material frumos cu norisori pe care l-am gasit la Jo Ann.
Applications are on a navy material and on its edges I found a beautiful fabric with clouds .

Mi s-a parut frumos contrastul intre galben si bleumarin.
I found a beautiful contrast between the yellow and navy.

The Sun.. luna.

...and the moon.

Si aici deja "instalate" la destinatia lor
And here already "installed" at their destination


Odata, dupa ce am terminat cateva proiecte mai mici si mai mari- place mate- uri, fete de perna, etc- am ramas cu o gramada de bucatele de panza pe care mi-era tare mila sa le tot gandeam ce sa fac cu ma gandeam ca -mi vor folosi la aplicatii mai micute de ce nu la un crazy quilt?!

Once, after I finished a few smaller projects and larger ones,place-mates, pillowcases, and so on, I got with a a lot of scraps of canvas which I felt sorry to throw them... I was thinking what to do with them .. and I was thinking that I will use them on applications, maybe for the little appliques .... and why not for a crazy quilt?

Anul trecut cand am facut acest proiect "mozaic" habar nu aveam sa lucrez in paper pieceing..asa ca am decis sa iau o bucata de panza mare si mai ieftina si m-am apucat sa lipesc pe ea bucatelele de panza ramase, dupa ce le-am calcat, intr-o ordine aleatorie oarecum.

Last year when I started this project "mosaic" I did not know how to work in paper pieceing .. so I decided to take a large and cheaper piece of canvas and I started to glue the remaining scraps after ironing them, in a somewhat random order.

Apoi am taiat niste panza de culoare cobalt in unghi bias si pur si simplu am cusut-o pe marginile bucatelelor de panza , bineinteles cu cusatura..zig -zag :)) nu radeti ca eu am fost furioasa mult timp ca nu stiam sa folosesc cusaturile :...nici acum nu stiu sa lucrez cu talpita pentru cusatura invizibila :P

Then I cut some canvas in cobalt color blind bias and simply I have a sewn-on the edges of the canvas scraps, of course .. with the zig-zag stitch:)) don`t laugh at me because I was furious for a long time as I did not know to use the stitches:)... not even now I dont know how to work with the foot for invisible stitch: P

Si cam asta a iesit:

And this is the result:

Am obosit...