vineri, 29 august 2008

Patchwork - quilt , quilt si iar...quilt

Am terminat acum o luna un quilt care l-am inceput anul trecut si l-am abandonat pentru ca eram insarcinata si nu prea mai aveam chef..stiti voi :)
A month ago I had completed a quilt which I started last year and had to drope it becouse I was pregnant and I wasn't really in the mood for it... you know ..:)

Are un colorit vesel si se pare ca ..tot karina o sa se bucure de el :)) si mie imi place dar e mic..
It has a happy colouring .. it seems that karina will be the one to enjoy it:)) I like it too but it is too small for me :)) ..

Si in urma cu 5 luni, inainte sa nasc , am lucrat si terminat acest mic quilt care deja e in alta parte si sper sa se bucure de el proprietarul.
L-am lucrat in culorile lavandei si am folosit un bloc din noua patrate pe care l-am taiat in patru si apoi l-am reunit in alta forma decat in cea initiala..cusute bineinteles. Am creat astfel cateva blocuri si am construit quiltul.
Five months ago, I worked on and finished this small quilt that already is elsewhere and I hope that the owner enjoys it.
I worked in the lavender colours and I used a block of nine squares which I cut in four and then I stitched them in another form other than the initial one .. . I have created few blocks like this one and I build the quilt.

Si tot de curand..adica de cateva terminat si quiltul asta inverzit
And just recently .. meaning several months .. I finished this green quilt

Toate astea pentru ca am fost in criza de inspiratie si timp berechet :)..acum trebuie sa ma rog de maria sa Karina sa ma lase sa lucrez din cand in cand :))
All this because I was short of inspiration and I had planty of time :) .. for now I must ask my daughter Karina to let me work from time to time:))

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