luni, 16 martie 2009
Thread painting - blue titmouse
Until the time come I can enjoy a new and more expected spring I tried a new technique: thread painting .
It was exciting but requires more patience to fill the thread with, but the pleasure is maximum when you start to shape the design : to play various colors and shadows.
I chose a titmouse, a picture from the internet and after which I worked as near as I could..
And here are the stages of work and the final result:
Plictiseala, plictiseala si iar plictiseala! Satula de iarna asta interminabila si urata...aici , in Ohio , primavara vine greu..cand deja pomii sunt bine inmuguriti si discret infrunziti , in romania, aici copacii de-abia se trezesc.
Pana sa vina vremea sa ma pot bucura de o noua si mult asteptata primavara am mai incercat o noua tehnica : pictura cu acul.
Incitanta insa cere multa rabdare sa umpli modelul cu ata ; insa placerea este maxima atunci cand incepi sa conturezi cu acul valorile desenului : sa-i redai diversele culori si umbre.
Mi-am ales un pitigoi , o fotografie de pe internet dupa care am lucrat cat am putut de fidel.
Si iata etapele de lucru si rezultatul final:
Si poza originala
And the original picture
I attached a wooden rod that got balls all wood; the effect is pleasant and can be easily used as a wall hanging. In fact for it was intended...
I have ranged it between four bamboo: a slight attempt to mixed media art.
But about mixed media art I'll talk another time.
Now I return to study because I expect a quite difficult course: law and ethics in medicine...
See you soon!
I-am atasat o nuia din lemn pe care am prins bile tot din lemn ; efectul e placut si poate fi usor folosit ca wall hanging . De fapt aceasta ii era si destinatia...
L-am incadrat intre 4 bete de bambus : o usoara incercare de mixed media art.
Dar despre mixed media art voi vorbi alta data.
Acum ma reintorc la studiu caci ma asteapta un curs neasteptat de greu: lege si etica in medicina..
Pe curand!
luni, 9 martie 2009
Our Lady - painting...
I didnt painted for many years and I forgot when I painted the last time .. I think it was the second grade when I was considered a little genius of the painting....everything has been done in a day when the teacher participating in drawing classes (drawing teacher had separately) looked at what I drew and commented: "you fooled yourself, Tudorache!" It was talk about me.. ... and that was all. From that moment I hated painting and all that was about it. In addition, talent gone sharply to, the problem that shocked the teacher drawing ...
Years have passed and I found the pleasure of paint, a relaxing and pleasant mode when I dont want to teach anatomy and physiology or working on the textile project or not hear anybody.Because it happens to me and I had moments of them: not to see and not hear anybody. And do not tell me that somebody that did not have such moments again because he /she is a liar .
Desire to stay with yourself involve the need to talk to yourself and to sit your thoughts, feelings, etc..This time I had recently, when I painted without any model or pattern a Madonna, as I imagined it.
Below pictures of the "field working" with finished Madonna .
Later in the night, I recently rediscovered a forgotten skill and I delighted my soul with dozens of colors around me.
I have no time for what I want to do but I take during sleep. When I leave this world I will sleep a lot:)
Until then, I delight my spirit with everything that is related to beautiful.
Each has at least a hobby. Find it and use it fully! Life can seem even more beautiful!
See you soon!
Un alt mod de a te recrea si a te rupe de stresul cotidian inevitabil este pictura. Pentru mine.
Nu am pictat de foarte multi ani; am si uitat cand am pictat ultima oara..cred ca era prin clasa a doua cand eram considerata un mic geniu al picturii....totul s-a sfarsit intr-o zi cand invatatoarea care participa la orele de desen (aveam profesoar de desen separat) s-a uitat la ceea ce desenasem si a comentat: "te-ai prostit, Tudorache!" Adica Tudorache eram gata. Din acel moment am urat pictura si tot ce era legat de ea. In plus, talentul disparuse brusc problema care l-a socat pe profesorul de desen...
Anii au trecut si mi-am regasit placerea de a picta; un mod relaxant si placut atunci cand nu am chef sa invat anatomia si fiziologia sau sa lucrez la nu stiu ce proiect textil sau sa nu aud pe nimeni. Caci mi se intampla sa am si momente din acestea: sa nu vad si sa nu aud pe nimeni . Si sa nu-mi spuna careva ca nu a avut nicioadata astfel de momente caci minte.
Dorinta de a sta cu tine implica nevoia de a vorbi cu tine insuti si de a-ti aseza gandurile, sentimentele, etc.
Un astfel de moment am avut curand, cand am pictat fara model aceasta Madona , asa cum mi-am imaginat-o.
Mai jos poze cu "campul de lucru si cu Madona terminata.
Tarziu, in noapte, am redescoperit o deprindere demult uitata si mi-am incantat sufletul cu zeci de culori in jurul meu.
Nu am timp pentru cate as vrea sa fac dar imi iau din timpul de somn. Cand voi parasi aceasta lume o sa tot dorm :)
Pana atunci imi incant spiritul cu tot ce e legat de frumos.
Fiecare are macar un hobby. Gasiti-l si folositi-l din plin! Viata poate parea si mai frumoasa!
Pe curand!
duminică, 1 martie 2009
Freehand curves- Tutorial
I always wanted to learn to sew freehands curve . I love curves in textile arts, they are so fluid and give you a sense of flow and flexibility and imagination is stimulated.
Astazi va voi prezenta un tutorial de cusut curbe la masina, curbe taiate cu rotary cut.
Today I will present you a tutorial of freehands curves.
Am invatat sa le fac datorita unui manual exceptional , realizat de Jane Davila si Elin Waterston, doua artiste remarcabile in mixed media art , din Statele Unite. Manualul este execeptional pentru incepatori in art quilt ; sunt prezentate tehnici si exercitii iar rexplicatiile sunt pe intelesul tuturor. Il recomand calduros oricui doreste sa se pregateasca in arta textila!
I learned to do them thanks to a exceptional manual, performed by Jane Davila and Elin Waterson, two remarkable artists in mixed media art, in the United States. It is exceptional for beginners in art quilt, techniques and exercises are presented and explanations are explained.I recommend it warmly to anyone who wishes to prepare in textile art!
Voi folosi cele doua bucati deja cusute intre ele( verde si portocaliu), la care am adaugat material mov; voi atasa materialul mov la materialul portocaliu. In primul rand asa arata curbele cusute la masina:
I use two pieces already sewn together( green and orange fabrics), to which I added the purple fabric; I will attach the mauve fabric to the orange fabric.
You need :
-2 squares of fabric, 9x9"
-rotary cuter and mat
-pencil in a color to contrast with your fabric
Aveti nevoie de:
- doua bucati e panza , de 9x9 inches fiecare
-rotary cutter
-creion in culoare contrastanta fata de culoarea materialelor
My fabrics are solid, here; keep the instructions below!
Materialele mele sunt uni, aici; tineti cont de indicatiile de mai jos!
Place a 9" square of fabric right side up the cutting mat.
Plasati o bucata de material cu fatza in sus pe masa de lucru.
Place a second 9" square of fabric right side up on top of the first.
Plasati apoi al doilea material, cu fatza in sus, peste primul.
With a rotary cutter, cut a long freehand curve away from you close to the edge of the top fabric.
Cu un rotary cutter taiati o linie curba cu mana libera .
Turn the pieces of the fabric WRONG SIDE UP and carefully line up the curves edges.
Draw the registration marks the edges every 1-2", perpendicular to the cut edges.
Intoarceti, apoi materialele cu DOSUL IN SUS si cu grija aliniati marginile curbelor.
Marcati cu semne marginile la fiecare 1-2", perpendicular pe margini.
Place the fabric pieces right sides togheter, matching the set of registration marks and pin the marks.
plasati materialele cu fatza lor , impreuna, urmarind liniile facute cu creionul si prindeti-le cu ace de gamalie.
Sew the pieces togheter using an 1/8" seam allowance, removing pins as you come to them.
Coaseti cele doua bucati, impreuna la o distanta de 1/8", inlaturand acele de gamalie pe masura ce ajungeti langa ele.
And these are your freehands curves done!
Si acestea sunt curbele voastre! felicitari!
A beautiful and easy technique and belive me, after two set of freehands curves you will not need to use pins. it`s talk about a little practice and love for curves:).
O tehnica frumoasa si usoara si credeti-ma, dupa doua seturi de curbe nu veti mai avea nevoie sa folositi acele de gamalie. Este vorba de putina practica si dragoste pentru curbe:)
Happy quilting!
marți, 17 februarie 2009
Cherry blossom - vopsele Tulip
A small piece about 9 "-7", a last work performed with my old Singer 7422 sewing machine.
I chose to work a sprig of cherry blossom against the background of a clear blue sky and on an extended field, with some mountains in the distance, all in pastel colors.
Un mic tablou de 9"-7" , o ultima lucrare executata cu vechea mea masina de cusut Singer 7422. Am ales un sa lucrez o crenguta de cires inflorit pe fondul unui cer senin si al unui camp intins, cu cativa munti in departare, totul in culori pastelate, primavaratice.
I purchased a set of Tulip paint in order to try to paint a piece of canvas and work on it then.Tulip paints are for canvas and in a wide variety of shades.
Am achizitionat un set de vopsele Tulip in ideea de a incerca sa vopsesc o bucata de panza pe care apoi sa o lucrez. Vopselele Tulip sunt speciale pentru panza, permanente , nontoxice si intr-o varietate mare de nuante.
Dyer consisted in using a small sponge imbued in paint and then painted canvas free movement.
Vopsitul a constat in utilizarea unui mic burete imbibat in vopsea si apoi cu miscari libere pictata panza
After I created the background of the canvas I left to dry it 24 hours, I iron it and then I applied sprig of cherry:I put a piece of cloth selected in specific color on to the painted canvas,then I put over waxpaper (waxed paper) with a drawing of sprig contour, outline that I followed with needle;I peeled wax paper then I cut around seamless to relief the sprig.
Dupa ce am creat background-ul am lasat panza sa se usuce 24 ore, am calcat-o iar apoi am aplicat crenguta de cires: am asezat o bucata de panza aleasa in culoarea specifica peste panza vopsita, peste ea am asezat waxpaper (hartia cerata)cu desenul contur al crengutei, contur pe care l-am urmarit cu acul ; am jumulit hartia cerata apoi am decupat pe langa cusaturi ca se reliefez crenguta.
Then, with a switch I applied paint with which I created abstracte cherry blossom over I have worked with freemotion.
Dupa aceea, cu un betisor am aplicat vopsea cu care am creat flori de cires abstracte peste care am lucrat cu freemotion.
Si "produsul" final
All painting is worked with freemotion with degrade or simply thread.
I like the result - I said this was an attempt ... but successful :);otherwise the folk quilt is worked in the same manner: painted on white canvas with Tulip, applications and freemotion. It's a difficult quilt, with a lot of details but I hope and must have patience to finish it.
And I introduce you my new friend .. a treasure for me worth which worth all the financially effort.
A perfect sewing machine for me with 38 pounds size and with multiple and great talents!
I love it!
See you soon!
Tot tabloul este lucrat cu freemotion cu ata in degrade sau simpla .
Imi place rezultatul- am spus ca a fost o incercare ...- de altfel si quiltul de inspiratie folclorica este lucrat in aceeasi maniera: vopsit pe panza alba cu Tulip , aplicatii si freemotion. E un quilt greu cu multe detalii dar sper si trebuie sa am rabdarea sa il termin.
Si va prezint noua mea prietena ..o scumpete si la propriu si la figurat dar merita
tot efortul :)
O masina perfecta pentru mine cu un gabarit de 38 pounds si cu inzestrari multiple si minunate!
O ador!
Pe curand!!