miercuri, 17 decembrie 2008

Happy Holidays to all!!

Here that another year has passed over us... with good or less good things we got to its end and get ready to move into a new year, maybe a better year, in which we will be, perhaps, wiser, more patient, maybe we`ll know how to get better over the issues that life bring us and maybe we'll smile more bearing in hearts The Lord who will soon celebrate the birth.
I`ll wish you all happy holidays and have a light Christmas and peace in your souls!
We`ll see each other, again, in the new year that is knocking on our doors!:)
Lord bless you!

Let`s remember about Him...some inspirational videos and good songs. Enjoy!

An inspirational video and an amazing voice..JOSH GROBAN! :)

Iata ca inca un an a trecut peste noi... cu bune sau cu mai putin bune am ajuns la capatul lui si ne pregatim sa trecem intr-un nou an , poate mai bun, unde vom fi poate mai intelepti , mai rabdatori, poate ca vom sti sa trecem mai bine peste problemele care ni le aduce viata si poate ca vom zambi mai mult purtand in inimi imaginea Celui caruia, in curand, ii vom serba nasterea.
Va doresc tuturor sarbatori fericite si pline de bucurii si mai ales sa aveti un Craciun luminos si pace in suflete!
Sa ne vedem cu bine in noul an care bate la usi !:)
Domnul sa va binecuvanteze!

Am obosit...