marți, 23 septembrie 2008

Miss Leila

Miss Leila e prima papusa pe care am facut-o vreodata.
Miss Leila is the first doll that I ever made.

Mi-a fost tare drag sa lucrez la ea chiar daca paternul nu e tocmai reusit - de aici am luat paternul -si chiar daca mi-a fost greu sa lucrez in 3D; asta pentru ca nu am mai lucrat in tehinca asta niciodata si cum nici notiuni clare de croitorie nu am, va puteti imagina ce de lucru mi-a dat aceasta domnisoara......
It was really nice to work at it even though her pattern is not too successful and even though it was difficult to work in 3D, that's because I have never worked in that technique and also I don`t have any clear notions of tailoring you can imagine what kind of work gave me this young lady...

In orice caz, imi este foarte draga si am pus-o la loc de cinste sa nu incapa pe mainile Karinei prea curand care rade in hohote de cate ori o vede:)
In any case, she is very dear to me and I put it in place of honor not to fit in the Karina`s hands too soon; Karina laughs whenever sees her :)

A trecut prin cateva etape de "nastere"
She went through several phases of her "birth"

Si aici imbracata in prima rochita a Karinei care i s-au potrivit bine pana i-am pregatit hainele ei personale
And here wearing Karina`s first dress which were well suited up until I got her some personal clothes

Miss Leila e o papusica nu tocmai bebelus- fatza ei e preluata dupa tiparele papusilor rusesti- tocmai de acceea avand un chip expresiv am gasit ca o voi transforma.:)
Are 16 inches inaltime si parul i l-am facut din mohair negru; iar fatza este desenata cu vopsea pentru materiale textile.

Miss Leila is not really a baby doll-her face looks like the face of matryushka , a Russian dolls -that is why I decided to transform it :) She is 16 inches heigh and I made her hair from black linen;and her face is drawn with fabric dye.

Si astfel domnisoara Leila s-a transformat dintr-o fetita cuminte pe canapea intr- o tanara tigancusa vesela si gata de dans
So Miss Leila was transformed from a dutiful daughter on the sofa in a happy young gypsy girl ready to dance

Tiparul hainutelor ei
Her little clothes pattern .

Pe care le-am adaptat dupa acest costum de gypsy

Si aici cocotata pe canepea pazind materialele :))

And here perched on the couch guarding the fabrics :))

Bun venit Leila! curand vei avea noi prieteni pe canapea! :)
Welcome Leila! Soon you`ll have new friends on the couch!

joi, 18 septembrie 2008

Fireworks - Foc de artificii

Am reusit sa termin dupa 5 zile de lucru- aproximativ- focul de artificii, un miniquilt pe care am vrut sa-l incerc sa vad daca se poate reda cat de cat efectul spectaculos al artificiilor. Nu stiu cat am reusit dar stiu ca am stat pe el aproape non stop - printre vociferarile Karinei si privirea indulgenta a sotului meu :).
E lucrat in tehnica trapunto cu organza pentru a crea razele de lumina ale artificiilor, apoi am cusut cu fir metalic auriu si metalic purpuriu fondul ca sa-l aplatizez.
Aici am pus organza peste vatelina si apoi modelul transferat pe hartie cerata

I managed to finish the fireworks after 5-day working around it, a miniquilt that I wanted to try it to see if I can render the spectacular effect of the firework. I do not know how I managed but I worked on it almost non-stop ( among karina`s vociferations and under the indulgence sight of my husband).
It's worked on trapunto technique with organza to create rays of the light , then I sewn background with gold metallic thread and metallic purple to flatten it.

Here I put organza over the wadding linen and then the transferred pattern on wax paper

Ce mi-a mai ramas din organza..

What is left of organza ....

Apoi am trecut la partea cea mai putin placuta a lucrului - "jumulitul " hartiei :))

Then I descended to the less pleasant work - "bleeding " the paper:))

Si asa arata in prima faza dupa primul cusut
The first stage after the first sewing

Dupa care am taiat vatelina exact pe langa model, lucru migalos caci trebuia sa fiu atenta sa nu tai organza.Prinsa cu lucrul am uitat sa fac poza la cum arata panza decupata de vatelina..
I cut the wadding linen besides model exactly, a meticulous work because I had to be careful not to cut the organza.Caught with the work I forgot to make a picture to show you how it looks the cutted canvas...

Am luat o bucata de panza bleumarin inchis pe care am prins in bolduri bucata de organza cusuta si am inceput sa trec din nou peste cusaturi ca sa prind organza, panza bleumarin , inca un strat de vatelina sub panza si dosul quiltului: deci patru straturi
I took a piece of dark navy canvas that I set , with pins, the piece of sewed orgnaza and then I started to sew again the seams to catch organza, the navy canvas, another layer of wadding linen under canvas and backside of the quilt, all togheter: four layers.

Si cam asa arata rezultatul dupa ore bune de quiltuit fondul
And this is the result after a few good hours of quilting

Iar aceasta este poza dupa care m-am inspirat; am desenat modelul cu mana libera "din ochi" dupa cel din poza.
And this is the picture that inspired me; I designed the pattern with carte-blanche after the one in the picture.

Mi-a facut placere sa lucrez la el dar nu cred ca m-as mai apuca asa curand de ceva similar :)
I enjoyed the work on it but I do not think I`ll start something similar too soon:)

miercuri, 17 septembrie 2008

crazy baby blanket

Asaaa..dupa experienta cu mozaicul si alte "experiente" :)) am invatat cum se face un paper piecing si dupa ce am scos la imprimanta mai multe exemplare de diagrame am facut un quilt micut pentru un bebe

Sooo....after the experience with mosaic quilt and another "experiences" :)) I learned how to do a paper piecing and after I have printed more copies of diagrams I made a quilt for a little baby
All I want to say is paper piecing it seems a very easy tehnique , in my opinion..I`ll use this tehnique a lot in the future.

I-am aplicat un ursulet, o girafa si o floare ca sa-l personalizez si arata cam incarcat dar arata totusi a paturica de bebe.

Asa ca sunt bune de ceva si bucatelele astea de panza ..cred ca mai am o sacosa maaaaare cu alte resturi...dar nu ma incumet acum de alt crazy quilt ca am proiecte de terminat.

I applied on it a little bear, a giraffe and a flower to make it to look like a baby blanket and it looks pretty busy but still looks like a blanket for a bebe.
So, they have some good use these scraps of canvas .. I think I still have a a big bag with other scraps ... but now I dont dare to start another crazy quilt , because I have other projects to finish.

sâmbătă, 13 septembrie 2008

Table runner

Am intrat in forta sa lucrez la quiltul L.C. dar cateodata simt nevoia de o pauza; de o schimbare , pentru ca modelul pe care l-am ales pentru bloc e destul de "des" si ca atare migalos.
I have entered in force to work at the L.C`s quilt but sometimes I feel need a break, for a change, because the pattern I have chosen for the block is quite "dense" and as such meticulous.

Si ca sa mai iau o "gura de aer " :) de la atatea cruciulite, am inceput acum doua zile o table runner, prima mea table runner de fapt.
And becouse I need to take a " mouth air" from so many cross stitches, I started two days ago a table runner, my first table runner actually.

Am vrut sa o fac specific anotimpului pentru ca am o slabiciune pentru toata gama de culori de toamna; si aveam in casa ceva materiale cumparate in vara care sa le pot folosi.
I wanted to make it a specific season because I have a weakness for the whole range of autumn colors, and had some fabrics in the house bought in the summer that can use them.

E lucrata in model simplu patchwork dar imi dau seama ca m-am cam grabit pentru ca nu sunt multumita de cum "cad" imbinarile elementelor.
It's a simple pattern worked in patchwork, but I realized that I was in hurry becouse I am not glad of how junction items "fall".

In orice caz , am pus-o direct la "destinatia " ei , unde era un mileu sintetic cumparat de la JoAnn- tare urat- si se incadreaza perfect cu frunzele suport lumanare si cosul de fructe .
Anyway, I put it directly to her "destination" , where it was a so ugly synthetic doily bought from JoAnn, and fit perfectly with the leaves candle support and fruit basket .

Imi creeaza chiar atmosfera atat de calda specifica toamnei, atmosfera pe care o ador.

It create me the specific warm atmosphere of autumn , thing that I love.

Am obosit...