luni, 8 septembrie 2008

Saint Paul

“ Chiar dacã as vorbi în limbi omenesti si îngeresti, si n-as avea dragoste, sunt o aramã sunãtoare sau un chimval zângãnitor.
Si chiar dacã as avea darul prorociei, si as cunoaste toate tainele si toatã stiinta; chiar dacã as avea toatã credinta asa încât sã mut si muntii, si n-as avea dragoste, nu sunt nimic.
Si chiar dacã mi-as împãrti toatã averea pentru hrana sãracilor, chiar dacã mi-as da trupul sã fie ars, si n-as avea dragoste, nu-mi foloseste la nimic.
Dragostea este îndelung rãbdãtoare, este plinã de bunãtate: dragostea nu pizmuieste; dragostea nu se laudã, nu se umflã de mândrie, nu se poartã necuviincios, nu cautã folosul sãu, nu se mânie, nu se gândeste la rãu, nu se bucurã de nelegiuire, ci se bucurã de adevãr, acoperã totul, crede totul, nãdãjduieste totul, suferã totul.
Dragostea nu va pieri niciodatã. Prorociile se vor sfârsi; limbile vor înceta; cunostinta va avea sfârsit.
Cãci cunoastem în parte, si prorocim în parte; dar când va veni ce este desãvârsit, acest "în parte" se va sfârsi.
Când eram copil, vorbeam ca un copil, simteam ca un copil, gândeam ca un copil; când m-am fãcut om mare, am lepãdat ce era copilãresc.
Acum, vedem ca într-o oglindã, în chip întunecos; dar atunci, vom vedea fatã în fatã. Acum, cunosc în parte; dar atunci, voi cunoaste deplin, asa cum am fost si eu cunoscut pe deplin.
Acum dar rãmân aceste trei: credinta, nãdejdea si dragostea; dar cea mai mare dintre ele este dragostea."

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. "

duminică, 7 septembrie 2008

O zi plina ! cumparaturi :) - A day full of shopping

As fi vrut sa pot sa pun pe blog poze facute la magazinul JoAnn dar . din pacate, nu am obtinut acordul managerului care mi-a spus ca politica lor nu permite acest lucru, doar daca fac apel la corporatie sa-mi dea aprobare; lucru destul de complicat.
I wanted to be able to put some pictures on the blog taken at the JoAnn store . Unfortunately,I haven't got the agreement of the manager who told me that their policy does not allow to make pictures in their store, only if I will appeal to the corporation to give me the approval; a job quite complicated .

Si chiar daca am fost dezamagita de reactia conducerii la apelul meu am facut totusi cateva cumparaturi , ca sa-mi treaca frustrarea :)
Eeven though I was disappointed by the management's reaction to my call I still made my shopping, to pass my frustration :)

Dupa ce m-am invartit minute bune pe acolo - caci nici pana acum nu am reusit sa-l cuprind in toate plimbarile mele - m-am oprit si am luat cateva materiale ( fat quarter) pentru niste proiecte de viitor , mai mici , ceva etamina si ata de cusut DCM

After I looked arround for some good minutes in there , I stopped and I picked some fabrics (fat quarter) for some future projects, smaller ones, something bolting-cloth and DCM sewing thread

Apoi m-am oprit la raionul de perle, margelute si tot felul de aplicatii - care este imens... si am luat cateva perlute pentru viitoare crazy quilturi sau ce mi-o mai veni in minte. As fi fost in stare sa cumpar cel putin jumatate din produsele de acolo :)) , noroc cu sotul meu care ma mai tempereaza in ideea ca deja am probleme cu spatiul meu de lucru si camera de zi mi-a devenit atelier...
Then I stopped at pearls section, beadies and all sorts of applications - which is huge ... and I also picked some pearls for my future crazy quilts. I wish I would have been able to buy at least half of the products from there:)), luck with my husband who attempered me in the idea that I already have problems to manage the working space because the living room became my workshop ...

Si in drum spre casierie , bineinteles ca m-am oprit sa mai cumpar niste bucati de materiale carora nu le -am putut rezista- spre disperarea sotului meu :))- ma intrebati la ce le voi folosi ca nu stiu inca ; pur si simplu le-am cumparat si cu siguranta le voi folosi.
And in the way to the cashier register, of course I stopped to buy some more pieces of fabrics which I have not been able to resist despite my husband`s despair :)) - .. dont`t ask me what I'll do with them, I do not know yet; simply I bought them and I will definitely use them. ...

Langa casa de platit se afla raftul cu decoratiuni si bineinteles ca si de aici am luat doua fairies micute, noii mei prieteni bostanosi; sunt tare simpatici si m-am bucurat de ei de cum i-am vazut .

Near the register is the decorations shelves and of course I got two little fairies from there, my new little pumpkin friends; they are likable and they made me fell joyfull as I saw them.

Si o surpriza care mi-a facut sotul meu tot azi, ceva ce asteptam sa vina de fapt de Craciun: un aparat foto digital pentru pozele mele :)
Caci canonul lui profesional e mare si greoi si mereu ma plangeam de asta..
And a surprise that was from my husband today, something I have expected to come, in fact, on the Christmas day: a digital camera for my pictures)
Because his professional Cannon is big and heavy and I always was dissatisfied of it..

Si dupa ce m-am relaxat facand cumparaturi in magazinul meu preferat :) m -am intors acasa unde m-am apucat sa termin modelul unguresc inceput, sub privirile pasnice ale "bostaneilor" , in linistea binecuvantata a unei superbe seri de inceput de toamna ...

And after I relaxed by making shopping in my favorite store:) I returned home where I got to finish the already started Hungarian model under the peaceful look of the little pumpkin, in the blessed silence of a magnifique evening at the beginning of autumn ...

a romanian tale

. My Pipe is with Him!

Once upon a time there was an old gypsy walking along the Olt River together with other people. Then at a certain moment, after climbing into a tree, the gypsy fell into the river and drowned. The people who pulled him out saw that he was dead and met up with the dead gypsy's son and said, "You, Ioane, your father is dead!"

Whereupon son replied, "Oh and my pipe is with him!"

See you next sunday for another story :)

joi, 4 septembrie 2008

Am terminat-o in patru ore!! I finished it in four hours!Crazy Heart

Astazi, dupa o ora de cusut la blocul cu cruciulite , ma cam saturasem de etamina.
Today, after an hour of sewing on the cross stitch block , I got pretty sick of bolting-cloth.

Si tare aveam chef de un quilt...macar unul micut. Cum nu am timp de stat acum pe un quilt mai mare am ales varianta de a face o inimioara crazy.
And I was in a really good mood for a quilt..... even a little one. Not having time to sew a larger quilt I chose to make a crazy heart.

Zis si facut: am luat niste resturi, le-am unit prin paper piecing si a iesit un bloc mai maricel, apoi am luat un tipar de inima , l-am aplicat pe bloc si am taiat blocul dupa forma inimii.
So, I took some scraps, I joined them from the paper piecing and came out a larger block, after that I took a print of a heart, I applied it on the block and I cut the block after heart's shape.

I-am pus dos, am umplut-o cu vatelina si apoi ..brodatul. Care mi-a luat trei ore pentru ca m-am tot "invartit" in jurul cusaturilor si le tot schimbam.
I'd attached the backside, filled it with wadding-linen and then ... the embroidery.It took me three hours to sew the heart becouse I "turned" myself around stitches and kept changing them all.

Dar in final a iesit si chiar imi place cu toate ca nu sunt adepta crazy quilt decat partial.

But finally it came out and I like it, even though I am not a crazy quilt supporter, maybe only partially.

Iata inimioara mea in faza de crazy fara modele
Here is my crazy heart in without models phase.

Si in varianta finala langa niste ingerasi :)
And finally next to a couple of little angels:)

Am obosit...